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Everything posted by Nickoli

  1. I love black wheels on most sports cars and yours is no exception.
  2. Jake you have too much time on your hands!
  3. That is some funny shit! No pun intended!
  4. I love the cat on the fan!!
  5. Nickoli

    World war 2

    That is some funny shit!
  6. I am pretty sure that it is real and funny as shit!!
  7. I agree Top Gear is one of the best show out there!!
  8. Is that how it is between you and Susie Jake?
  9. This is what it is going to be like if they don't stop this shit!! http://www.flixxy.com/offshore-outsourcing.htm
  10. Jake those are better numbers than you had when you had it tuned. And why cant you drive?
  11. I don't know if this is a repost or not but i think that it is pretty funny! Just wait for the drop inside the car!!
  12. people will always try and turn naturally occurring things dirty. Even thought i must admit they were all funny as hell!
  13. Yay my little bro finally posted!!!
  14. She did have way too many layer on but damn she was hott!
  15. Someone had way too much time on their hands!
  16. We actually just wrapped the oringnal headliner in black sweade which we used a spray glue to make it stick. My friend does this for a side job so if any one would like to hire him send me a message and i will give you his phone number and you can work something out.
  17. Yeah i was scared when i was first dong it because i was afraid that it would turn out looknig like shit but i am very happy with the way it turned out. And anything would have looked better than the grey when the entire rest of the car is red and black.
  18. That is funny as shit! I didnt notice it at first.
  19. For those of you who havent seen my headliner here are some before and after pics. Before http://images1.snapfish.com/3476%3A%3B98%3A%7Ffp348%3Enu%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D323398%3C%3A%3C%3A%3C39nu0mrj http://images1.snapfish.com/3476%3A%3B98%3A%7Ffp348%3Enu%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D323398%3C%3B35824nu0mrj During I am on the left and my friend Scott that did it for me is on the right http://images1.snapfish.com/3476%3A%3B98%3A%7Ffp347%3Enu%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D323398%3C%3A%3B2393nu0mrj After http://images1.snapfish.com/3476%3A%3B98%3A%7Ffp347%3Enu%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D323398%3C%3B38623nu0mrj http://images1.snapfish.com/3476%3A%3B98%3A%7Ffp347%3Enu%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D323398%3C%3B37733nu0mrj
  20. Here are some pics of my ride. http://images1.snapfish.com/34767%3B774%7Ffp339%3Enu%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D3233974%3B%3A%3A373nu0mrj http://images1.snapfish.com/34767%3B774%7Ffp343%3Enu%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D323397523%3A638nu0mrj http://images1.snapfish.com/34767%3B835%7Ffp339%3Enu%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D3233975238%3B99nu0mrj
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