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Everything posted by trbovw

  1. trbovw

    92 Honda Civic

    Still 4 sale if anyone is really interested
  2. trbovw

    92 Honda Civic

    Thats cool even if you give him 100 not to buy it because i got about 10 other people still interested. So if you tink your gonna get me screwed try it
  3. trbovw

    92 Honda Civic

    It is on hold until Thursday for White. Let me know if you change your mind.
  4. I went to Edisons today and found one thanks for your help
  5. Cool I appreciate the info.
  6. Cool i will head down there tomorrow They want 80.00 for a new one
  7. Would anyone have a good coil laying around for a 92 honda civic with a 1.6 and How much? Thanks Kevin
  8. I cant get my avatar on. It wont let me take the dot out of the do not use an avatar box. Can anyone tell me how to fix it
  9. trbovw


    I know this is what my car looked like at 10:30 this morning and I live off 70 and wilson http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w204/83rgl/misc/100_0056.jpg
  10. We have a member on ODRA that is from Australia . He is always posting some cool vids and cars
  11. trbovw

    Cb radio

    Looks like I will have to get back into it . I will try not to mess up anyones tv or stereo
  12. trbovw

    Cb radio

    Thats the truth. I just got finished in early 2000 but have been thinking about it again. My last radio was a peaked and tuned General Lee radio with an 8 pill 1200 kw kicker and a wilson 5000. Had to run 2 deep cycle batteries and a big alternator
  13. trbovw

    Cb radio

    If you are on the westside it is channel 3 on the north it is channel 8 and the east is channel 16 or 24 . I played radio a few years ago. If you wnat get a hold of me and i could probably help you out
  14. I was glad to see the Giants win.Tom Brady sucks!!
  15. YW Sam. I am pretty new to CR but I met George a couple of times. I was glad to help his wife Michelle and his kids with what i could
  16. Good Job on posting the videos but being there was the best RIP George
  17. I need a total of 5 . I will be there Saturday Nite
  18. 2 of my buddies from work do this. I would like to try but I need to check out the rules first
  19. If they do I will be upset I just bought my kids a 360 for Christmas. I think its gonna cost me as much as my car when I buy everything for it
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