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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Sold!! Thanks again brotatto!
  2. SPAM!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  3. Are you upset that you dont have swingers? Do you log on hoping to see numerous PM's from a fan base that you still do not have? Do you die a little inside when you see other people talking to friends online.?.?. Then this book is for you!!! For only $19.95 + shipping and handling you too can have a following of people that really care about you as a person. With chapters such as, "Stop the bullshittery" and, "Fail no more!!!!" this book can help you become the online persona you could previously only dream about! If you are tired of being a one man army fighting your own battles this book is for you!!!!!! Call me at 1800 555 5555 to get the ball rolling on a new online life today!!!! If you call in the next 30 minutes we will also include a free Johnny Bravo fan club t-shirt!!!! CALL TODAY!!!!!!
  4. Interested... sending you a pm
  5. I dont know... think it might work if it was aimed correctly.
  6. V8 Beast

    I like

    This guy knows his stuff
  7. I need 1,000,000 people to go to cali with me and dig along the state line until it falls off. The more power tools and machinery the better.
  8. Sounds like they are talking about 10 point like cages since those frame the cock pit. The only way that I can hit my head on my roll bar is if my seatbelt fails.
  9. Since the two of you dont wear helmets I'm also going to assume that you dont use condoms. Its all fun and games until you get road rash on your penis...
  10. That car is badass... but not $320k for 1400hp badass. With the way they did it why was it more than 50k-100k????
  11. I do back to front and use dryer sheets to avoid static build up.
  12. Cars should be built with self destruct buttons to rid the world of people that steal them. Congrats on finding it!
  13. V8 Beast


    Call him, as long as people are on the dyno I dont think he would mind.
  14. V8 Beast


    That was like 2007 lol!
  15. V8 Beast


    Wagners car doesnt run... it rolls....
  16. Dr. Rick wont read this thread unless you put Obama in the title.
  17. V8 Beast


    Phil was killed by the warning shot.
  18. I have a cage in my car. The cage is only uncomfortable when trying to get out of the car in my small garage (which really isnt mush different than when I didnt have a cage with these big ass doors). If it wasnt for this damn choppy 110LSA camshaft I wouldnt have lost any comfort.
  19. V8 Beast


    If this race is being set up anywhere but a track I'm banning every fucker that posted in this thread.
  20. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/2010-07-26021824.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/2010-07-26021747.jpg
  21. Its in brand new condition with the 16gb card that came with it. I'll post up pics later.
  22. I had True Green. After having them come out repeatedly to try and stop the problem a guy said it wouldnt die because it was broadleaf fesque (spelling?). Then he went one step further to say its exactly what they use on footbal fields. Considering I have played on over 100 different fields and have never seen this stuff I called in a second opinion. They verified it was crabgrass and I cancelled True Green. Now instead of having one small patch I have to fix a quarter of my yard because they didnt get rid of it or control it. Round Up, grass seed with fertilizer, and start over
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