I think the big issue is that people are taking it personally. If there was some kind of rub it in your face mentality when building this then I would be pissed... However, I honestly think the spot was available and they went for it. I live in a neighborhood full of Muslim people. They are quite, polite, and have very respectable children. Growing up I never thought I would be in a neighborhood where White, Black, Nigerian, Muslim, Indian, and Hispanic kids would all play together and go to the same school. I admit I was extremely predjudice for a few years after 9/11. Moving here has opened my eyes and has shown me that I was doing the same thing to them that old white ladies used to do to me. Its not right to judge an entire group like this. There are good and bad people all over the world. Dont let the acts of a group of idiots cause you to hate everyone... hate the ones that deserve it.