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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I really appreciate you giving people a very good alterantive to racing on the street. Letting them get their fix but in a controlled environment is an excellent idea. Kudos to you sir.
  2. If you didnt hit anyone you had enough distance. /thread
  3. I remember when I took that engine pic in front of Best Buy http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/Picture007.jpg :(
  4. V8 Beast


    Kobe has an iphone... I'm just sayin
  5. V8 Beast

    CR App

    I can't get CRapp or any Fapp apps on my iphone. The iphone should be better!
  6. V8 Beast

    CR App

    I want to learn how to make apps!
  7. V8 Beast

    CR App

    Will this work on my iphone?
  8. V8 Beast


    If Mike Brown had an iphone they would have won. When it really counted he was unable to place calls and do data at the same time.
  9. The asthma attacks, missed practices, and little info about health is what Im basing my assumption on. For all we know she had an asthma attack while walking
  10. Heres my take... Its great for her to try, but you dont jump into any excercise program without giving your body a chance to ramp up. The stress she is putting on her body isnt needed. Its good to have determination, but you have to be smart with it. If I was her doctor/trainer I would have started her off walking and changed her diet over a 2-3 month period to get her ready for the team. Shes probably hurting her health more than she is helping it at this point.
  11. V8 Beast


    If Lebron had an iphone they would have won.
  12. My mother in law goes to Panera a lot. Its a nice spot for lunch.
  13. Doc Brown was on Chuck this week... Now thats American
  14. In its current state hell yes they earned it. My fear is that if its manatory that basic training will be made easier and quality will be removed in place of quantity.
  15. V8 Beast


    Ask Paul who has the best toilet paper. He drove out from Reynoldsburg just to wipe his butt once. So, do you think the next iphone will have open development and a better processor than the evo?
  16. V8 Beast


    Ask Paul who has the best toilet paper. He drove out from Reynoldsburg just to wipe his butt once. So, do you think the next iphone will have open development and a better processor than the evo?
  17. V8 Beast


    But seriously.... you hit the nail on the head.. in a strange way, but you did. The iphone is simple and people love simple. Like stated one million times before I prefer android, but people prefer simple and apple cashed in on it.
  18. V8 Beast


    At this point I'm concerned for you. Unlike Jones who controls his, your audi complex has spread to phones... I feel you may want to seek help before it spreads more and you start arguing about things like how much better your toilet paper is over the competition
  19. V8 Beast


    See why I said the os was all opinion and people have no clue what they are talking about. The media player, the way it processes functions and works as a whole is all part of the os. Being boring and consistent is better than the issues that are popping up with android phones all over. The android is updating and fixing a lot of bugs that the iphone has already had time to fix. I know since a lot of people that choose the iphone chose being cool over functionality to begin with so I see a lot of them jumping ship to join the android fad. You all should check a couple of professional reviews from non biased sources. Using feedback from fanboys is not a good idea if you want the truth. The evo will be the best phone out but will be limited by the company its going to. Its basically round w of what apple did with the iphone.
  20. V8 Beast


    I'll answer... The iphone has better software. Andoid is great but the iphones software is preferred by more people (which is the only way to judge because software preference is mostly opinion because half the people fighting dont know the facts anyway /runon). If you like android the iphone has already been beat. If you dont like android the evo will be enough to make you start liking it.
  21. White boys for life!!!!!
  22. V8 Beast


    We have like 50000 phone threads going on here
  23. I tried saying I am going to be and it worked with the beat. There is no excuse for their poor grammar!
  24. You have got to be kidding me with all the people out there with bad performance from their nexus 1's. Even with all the updates you have plenty of people that had no issues before getting poor performance out of their phones. There is nothing wrong with the moto droid outside of a mic that over does it when trying to cancel out background noise... The moral of the story is stop acting like your shit dont stink For those with audio issues Here's a bit of caution... Below is a way to change how your phone relays voice audio. EVRC-B is not supported in all markets. EVRC is the default and in some cases other areas do not support EVRC-B at all. 13k (which is also an option) is an older way of relaying voice but will drain your battery faster than the other two options. If you are in an area that EVRC--B is not supported you cannot make voice calls at all. Most areas do but its good info to know. For some reason a few of these phones are not using the bandwidth they should to relay audio. Its inconsistent and the reason for the fluctuation in voice quality. I would suggest getting a replacement.. but if you dont want to deal with it then try the steps listed below. Test out which one is best by leaving a voicemail under the default, then changing it and leaving another voicemail using the different options. The simple matter is the phone should work in its default state with no issues which is why I say get a replacement. Pull up the dialing screen as if you are going to place a call Dial ##7764726 (##PROGRAM) then press the button used to send the call Put in 000000 for the password and touch Verify Choose "04 Vocode" Choose EVRC-B then Apply Go back to the home screen and wait for the phone to restart. Edit: Try switching it to EVRC-B, place a call, then switched it back to EVRC. Place a call again and let me know if any of you notice any improvement.
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