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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Yes, we have to register each car individually for tech and what not. BTW, I found a bunch of cell phones with the printer you sold me. Did you want them back?
  2. Good point Ray. For those that bring beaters or have little track experience I'll brief you on the rules when you get up there. And if you are worried about looking like a newb I can ride along on the first pass or let you ride with me.
  3. I like anyone that hates Jones. I just unbanned the guy and made him an Admin.
  4. The only problem I have with it is the price. I wouldnt rent out trails at a discounted rate to gets pics of cars acting like they are staging... but some people have more money to burn and different hobbies.
  5. The multiple people watching said I won. I was the one that said it was a tie.
  6. I fart so much that it doesnt matter what I smell like.
  7. We are kicking around the idea of letting cars that run slower than 16's in for $20 to expand the interest in the track day. Would anyone have interest in this? If so I bet my edge will destroy all other mid size v6 suv's! Use this for beater registration: http://cr-summer10-beater.eventbrite.com/
  8. No longer than 50 meters for anyone over 29.
  9. I'm bringing my Ford Edge.. Why not make it a daily driver event Yes, its the one in June.
  10. I'll set up something for the fall or late summer. I dont want anyone getting heat stroke trying to be super bad ass (me).
  11. Almost.. a stand up member offered his help to assure the track day still happened.
  12. So I guess when Clarett and I go we need to get a table for 3... Too easy
  13. If the interest in the track day does not pick up by Friday it will be cancelled. If you are just waiting until the last minute there may not be a last minute
  14. All 4 wheels in the air. Good thing he had wheelie bars!
  15. I usually just ignore these, but this is my thread so I kind of cant.... To make this post funny you should have tried harder. I would have chose the running towards food like Tim or the race card like not Brian. Comparing Clarett to a successful man that probably makes more and has more influence than you was just a bad move. If I were to give you a comback it would be something along the lines of, "If I'm at the washed up club with Clarett then I guess that puts you in the bathroom of the Never Was Club sucking dicks for gas money". Not even funny, but just enough to move on after responding to you. With that being said I'll let you try again. However, first I would suggest you study and expand your sense of humor. I'll be eagerly waiting for your response. I'm doing this because I want you to be better, dont let me down.
  16. 4.3 once (thats why I always follow it with 4.4). No pros here... In college I realized that I could do more with my brain than my feet so I gave it up.
  17. No he's that way with 90% of the members.. . His name should be changed to Angry Man
  18. I'm going to see if I can get one for Ben to use for a week and get a review from him.
  19. WTF are you smoking man that drives a blown banana? 4.2 is not close to 4.4. You ever seen a person that runs a 4.4 trying to stick a guy that runs a 4.2... Its all about technique at that point.
  20. I watched him back it up. It had over an inch of clearance. Very very nice car btw!
  21. There was a point where you were just a guy with a camaro and a parts list.. wait.. actually it was yesterday
  22. Yeah right... You didnt quit running until the big kids found a new dork to pick on.
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