The truth is ATT copies verizon plans. Verizon was first to offer the 59.99 for 550 share minutes. The only difference is its only for existing customers and not listed on the website. Everytime Verizon changes anything ATT matches it within 1 to 4 months. If you are using it in the city all the time you will not notice any difference. The iphone, droid, nexus, incredible, all do the same things minus a few apps. Its really a wash for someone that not travelling.
So basically what it boils down to is do you want the droid or the iphone. Just keep in mind that all the comparison tests that the iphone beat the droid in were improved with the HTC incredible.... 8 megapixel camera and all. The iphone is no longer on top by itself. Its sharing the podium with the incredible and the Nexus.