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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. V8 Beast

    Thank you

    Individual $1000 deductables and 20% responsibility until we reach $2000 a piece. Used to be no deductable and 100% paid other than the co-pay. We went from one of the best to middle grade so that the big wigs could put more money in their pockets. I love how they blame the economy right before bragging about record gains in the next breath.
  2. V8 Beast

    Thank you

    I got herpes from a transexual puppeteer
  3. V8 Beast

    Thank you

    Excuse me while I rant... Thank you hospitals for charging $25 for 1 tylenol. If I would have known it would cost that much I would have asked for a hand job with it. Thank you ambulance companies for being able to charge $700 for one 20 minute trip in your uncomfortable vehicle. For that price you would think I was being dropped off in a stretch hummer. Thank you people that get care and dont pay your bills. You get to be the excuse and reason to validate my wallet raping. Thank you insurance companies for contributing to my wallet being raped while taking your cut off the top and blaming it on doctors like you are innocent. Thank you company that employs me for going cheap and changing my insurance to one with a triple digit deductable. I just keep telling myself that there are a lot of people in the world, doing worse than me that would gladly take my problems. Lighter in the pocket, not cured but stronger in spirit I move on and count my blessings. /rant
  4. Wanna see a semi nude pic of me?
  5. A midget riding backwards on a unicycle could catch you.
  6. Use pms to negotiate price not the the report post button.... newb :D
  7. If you think you have an ulcer you really need to go to the doctor. There is a bacteria called h. pylori that no matter what you do will cause it to come back until you are properly treated. My friend had to go on acid blockers and 2 or 3 types of antibiotics to cure her ulcer. They have a bunch of over the counter stuff that helps (and could actually cure you if you only have a minor ulcer or stomach irritation).. but keep in mind if taken too long it can make you deficient in certain vitamins as well as some other lame side effects. What makes you think its a stomach ulcer (if you dont mind me asking)...
  8. Not changing my sig until Jones does
  9. I was driving back from work. Same here, first drive since winter. Rob, report Jassons thread so we have documentation of wrong doing to place in his permanent file.
  10. LOL! I thought that was you.. either that or some wierd wildlife guy that was happy that I stopped for the geese . Luv ya toohoo! Why not take out the rx7? The weather was perfect!!!!
  11. If you want to publicly negotiate a price, thread shit, or low ball dont be surprised if you get banned. That rule is as old as time yet people seem to think it doesnt apply to them. Its to the point now that its just annoying. People joking with friends are cool, and even some of the offers are cool.... However, for consistency take it to pms please.
  12. With the discount I got I feel like I have to leave it on there for at least 6 months.
  13. This is more interesting than pics of my shiny mini van. True story
  14. All the time.. well except for when I'm taking my other cars out in public. My wifes car was dirty so we used that one tonight.
  15. Not yet, I'm out of room in my basement http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/basement.jpg Anyone want to buy some wheels or tires?
  16. It started to sprinkle so I took 3 pics and put it away. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/edge018.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/edge002.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/edge009.jpg Yep, its a vehicle...
  17. A neon with a turbo is almost as good as a broke dsm
  18. I just saw it... popped up and broke up just before it reached the west/north side. There is a huge one walking across the map right now. Looks like my backyard will be a pool tomorrow afternoon.
  19. Is it raining out there? Its dry and sunny here...
  20. Its tough, nice, but super bulky. My son broke his last gzone so I gave up on him. He gets old used phones now. Its out now. I saw one at a store while I was stretching the TA's legs
  21. Sweet. I'll come over right after work.
  22. Cant, thats my stripper title.
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