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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. This.. And to add you can find people that were beat on death row the same as you can find people that had their video games taken away. The only constant is the way they were punished growing up didnt stop them from being convicted felons. Another little story.. I gave my son timeout when he hit his sister and he said, "if this is all I'm getting it was worth it". Needless to say he didnt think it was worth it 30 seconds later. Yes he will still hit his sister, but in the back of his mind he knows the possibility of undesirable consequences will be there and hopefully make him stop a time or two. Oh and Tim I do agree with you that she shouldnt be spanking the kid.. by this point its lost its effect
  2. I knew this is why you made this thread. Dont be jealous because several 600lb woman want to have relations with me.
  3. I've trained over 20 dogs in my own home and volunteer at the shelter. A pop is different than hitting. Not to mention a take down when they are overly agressive has been needed on several occasions. Or are you going to tell your dog to take a time out when he is snarling at your kids? BTW, 7 of those 20 dogs are in homes with kids rather then being put down. Of the 20 only 1 didnt make it out. My techniques are not 100% garanteed to drive results, but I was taught them by a certified trainer 7 years ago so I know its not something I'm pulling from left field. To answer the second part.. I stole from a store when I was 8.. my mom beat the mess out of me and I have never stolen anything again to this day. So I guess I'm proof that it does work huh??? You dont have to spank kids, and over using it is extremely bad... but if my kid thinks its funny to lay in front of cars as a game I'm going to make him wish a car did hit him. What all of you know it alls are leaving out is the fact that everyone needs to be trwated different. There is no cookie cutter way to discipline your kids. You find what works for your kid and adapt as they grow older. If you only spank your kids it will get old.. the same as if you always send them to the same corner or take away something. Find what works and use it.
  4. LOL! The plan is to get a second job that I dont care if I lose and get a sugar momma to help me pay bills.
  5. You always treated me bad and made me have low self esteem. The therapy sessions we had didnt change that fact that you just never loved me the way I loved you. Its a good thing we never adopted that kid from Guatamala like you wanted to.
  6. V8 Beast


    @ pros using nudity :lol:
  7. Do want new engine. If I can get some bills paid maybe my wife will agree... ps I will change your name to Scotty 2 Skinny if you come back all in shape I have to do that. Thanks to thanksgiving I'm sporting an extra wide body kit.
  8. Still want me to hook you up with that hippie chick from my job
  9. V8 Beast


    Good point. But instead of doing it down there I think I will put an adjustable spoiler on a lightweight yankees hat.
  10. Hitting is bad.. spanking is good. I pop my dog and strong arm him at times too. Any real trainer will tell you that with bigger breeds (and some smaller ones based on their temperment) you have to show your dominant on occasion to put them in their place... Same goes with bad ass kids. Spanking is a tool that when used properly along with other techniques produces good productive citizens. There are millions of ways to discipline kids.. use them all!
  11. Yup, like heart issues isnt a real excuse not to do something that will cause a spike in adreniline .. BTW my car still made it, I just wasnt the one driving at 2 events so hush it. p.s. your car on the track is equivalent to a 90 year old pair of knuckles driving a buick in the fast lane on the freeway.
  12. Tyler needs to drive better
  13. V8 Beast


    That pic was from a swingers convention that Howard and him went to. The legs are Wagners and the guy in the pics name is Norman.
  14. Good point. Rob I'll let you know after I check with fedex.
  15. Stop posting and I'll stop posting
  16. If you are planning on being a permanent part of his life then get involved ( as long as she is ok with it). He's going to act out at that age no matter what is done. The key is to be consistent until he's past this phase. The more consistent she/you is/are the faster he will be over it. Spankings are needed at that age but save them for when (not if.. when) he does worse things that could cause him to hurt himself or others. Spanking kids for everything makes it lose its effectiveness.
  17. I'm not the one bragging about my new guy with a large thang going on vacation! He doesnt want me to start spilling secrets.
  18. Shipping is insane. Last wheels I shipped were $150 which is why I wanted to keep it local. Actually, now that I think of it these may weigh too much for a driver to be able to lift. Hold off on Friday, I may end up having to ship them freight. If thats the case it would be too much of a hassle.
  19. Here's the entire story. While Ray and I were talking he decided to get hardcore into fisting. At one point it was so bad he had dudes uppercutting his poop dispenser just to get a thrill. This made him extremely loose so he started calling me small. His new guy must be a conductor because Rays so loose now when he asks you to run a train on him he's going to be expecting a real train. WE ARE OVER!!!!!!!
  20. V8 Beast


    I wish I had a 9'' in my rear but right now I cant afford it.. we are still talking about my car... right?
  21. V8 Beast


    When you were asking me to sell my rear end to you we were talking about my car... right??? What makes me wonder is I have a 12 bolt but you kept talking about my 9 inch...
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