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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. So you currently have a nine second slip or did you acidentally post this in the hopes and dreams section? I drive mine to work, trails, DW42, dates with the wife, to take the kids to events, the dog to the vet, to meets where people at meets drive it, to the Lions Den to get porn, Gearhead drives it to work on it... The only time I dont drive my car is when it snows or when I'm on a horse P.S. We are lining up this year :nod:
  2. Im out of shape and fragile like a school girl.
  3. I saw one right before I decided not to buy it. P.S. I'm on a horse
  4. In stressed out years I'm 57
  5. We can try tomorrow. Would 10:45 be too late I have other plans... also how much would it cost?
  6. Dude, shave off those hundreths and join the 10 sec nitrous club. Nitrous cars are a thing of the past on this forum.
  7. I've been lifting and done no cardio since it got cold out. I'll be so winded after Chris that you'll dance circles around me. My experience is from 10 years ago btw.
  8. It does work, Ive seen it for myself.. but again it all depends on the child. My credentials - Helped raise my little sister. 9 neices and nephews, 2 kids of my own. I've seen so many different techniques over the last 20 years that I cannot rule out any because in a way they all worked at some point in time but failed in others. You dont have to beat your kids too get results. Raising the reward for being good works better in most cases..
  9. Tyler, I'll fight you after I fight Chris.
  10. Hey Chris, will tomorrow work for a quick workout?
  11. Locked! Time to stop slacking on my cardio... Just remember I'm old. I'm at that age where if someone tried to fight me I would just shoot them
  12. Beat Steve, he should be better!!!
  13. Beat your kids or they will assemble cars for Toyota!
  14. Beat your kids or they will do this to cars
  15. These guys are off topic. If they were beat as a kids they would be on topic like me. not only that they would be respectful enough to apologize like I did Beat your kids or they will go off topic on forums!
  16. I cant fight Steve. Every last time we have had a fight with gloves on its ended with a tie and us hurting for a week. I want to fight someone I dont know so I can learn from it. My dad was left handed so he taught us both how to fight left handed. I want to box someone right handed.
  17. And this is why I apologized to the op in advance And no I dont spank her, but I do erase her shows on her DVR when shes bad
  18. I didnt call you a know it all, your response was full of facts and not just full of I told you so's like others. Positive reinforcement is the best way to go, but you have to sprinkle the negative in there for certain actions if being positive doesnt stop it ya know. There is a time and a place for both imo. When my kids were born I said I would never spank them because I was beat as a kid. As a last resort I spanked my daughter after several failed attempts to stop her from acting bad at school. The result was the principal and school shrink are not trying to make her take adhd drugs anymore. From a class clown and several teacher meetings to cured adhd and sitting in her chair doing her work. So if you ask me a good ass kicking can cure adhd But seriously, If I was still taking her tv away and promising gifts she would have been expelled by now. There was no way I was putting her on medication at 7. So yes I see both sides and repsect your choice. I now spank my kids if needed but prefer positive reinforcement and taking away stuff. P.S. The pound puppy I have now is a great dane boxer mix. He's not going to be rehomed like the others. The kids trained him this time and he has the best temperment of any pound dog we have had. ~sorry for going offtopic op.
  19. So, you run a shop out of your garage and let guys watch you bend over cars all day you hooker
  20. P.S. Tyler and Paul are the result of being beat too much so be careful parents. Sean, take what you have seen here and try to coach her through it. There is a lot of good advice here from both sides. Since she is the mother its best if she gains the kids respect first (my opinion). I would even suggest having her read through it with you if you dont think she'll flip on you for telling her business.
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