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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I like Alex more than you. Feel free to be thankful for being my second favorite
  2. To me at first it looked like mini-van/suv. After driving that big envoy for a while this was a nice change. The way it feels trumped (what I call) "the manly mini-van" look. This one wins on the practical scale so I'll have to make it my own. I wasnt a fan either but this one is ok for what it does. AJ, I'm buying spiked tires
  3. Have a happy Thanksgiving! Eat your food, love your family, and be thankful for what is good in your life. Go Lions!
  4. Hey Hal, I told you we should have just cut my wheel off. That guy with the vw is proof!
  5. Call of duty tonight? I'm going to pry that damn game from my sons hands for a change and play. I think he has me up to like a level 38 now.
  6. Eli's right, no banning needed. Its all in good holday (we are all bored as hell) fun.
  7. Actually it looks like each person can only count for one point. Example, Anthony gives you three positive feedbacks. It shows as 3 feedbacks but 1 on your trader rating.
  8. If you have more scores then feedback yeah.. now if you have more feedback than score we may have an issue.
  9. Nope, he's only dug up 5ft. 1 with the pwned comment and 4 with the lawyer. I'll let him reach 6ft before I close it so that we can give him a proper burial. This is the reason why the kitchen was removed and I swear you (OH8STI) were one of the guys bitching about wanting it back...
  10. Threads deleted, people deleted...
  11. You are an OG if you have posts on this website back when 13 second cars were considered fast . Seeing that you joined in Sept 2003 I can understand why you asked. By the end of 03 12 second cars were considered fast so you missed OG status by about 4-1/2 months.
  12. You're cool. Cant fault you for others using your name. On another note how much power does your car make? Shoot me a pm if you want, I'm just curious?
  13. Love can restore any faith that is lost. The internet will live on the care I have for you. It will live on the heart warming affection I have for your witty posts. It will survive by the fact that we know love will keep it going. Love is the key and you have the keyhole. Let me put my love in your keyhole and open up a world of possibilities.
  14. The worst part is I'm stupid enough to keep trying to help people.
  15. OH8STI.. why did you take offense to Mensans post in the Sarah Palin thread? He said he had nothing against her, and it was not political. He was just laughing at the stupidity of some of her followers. The way you blew up makes me wonder if there is something else behind it. I'm no doctor, but your response was full of supressed anger. It was almost like a cry out to your own mother asking why she doesnt love you like she loves your siblings. I could be wrong, yet I feel a special connection with you that makes me think I'm right. Typing on the internet may be fun but you need to dig further and find the cause for your mis-used agression. Like I said before I'm no doctor, however if you want to meet up some time I have an unlimited supply of hugs I can offer you at a good price. I dont expect hugs to fix years of abuse and low self esteem but its a good start. Just remember there are people out there that do love you and at the end of the day all that matters is how you feel about yourself. I sent you my number via PM. Just shoot me a text when you are low on hugs and I'll come over in a jiffy and resupply your stock. Talk to you soon, keep your head up little buddy... it will all be ok. Sorry for interupting your ebattle, please continue.
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