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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I'll sell you my car for $17000. Just keep paying me 4k to 8k until its paid off I'm still looking for a new ride myself... I'll keep an eye out for you.
  2. My great dane boxer mix weighs 100 pounds now and all of my neighbors keep calling him a pit bull.. I think its because I'm Irish Hal do you still need a dog sitter? I'm off work until next Wednesday.
  3. ^^^^ BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! What happened to your old phone?
  4. I offered to race him before his motor magically blew up due to the amazing 400ish horse power he puts down to the wheels. I have sprayed a 175 shot through the same block and make 570rwhp with no issues... The level of his fail is one that rivals a blind man acting like he can see and being willing to prove it by crossing a busy highway wearing a spiderman costume.
  5. Get her a new husband that wont ask a bunch of weird car guys what to get for someone that you have known way longer than any of us... Since you wanted serious here you go... Get her a nice dress, take her to get her hair and nails done, then take her to dinner in her new dress. Feed her foods she loves and 2 glasses of wine. From there take her to your hotel room. Fix her a bath and place 5 candles in the bathroom (be sure they are the kind that do not explode). Take 6 roses and put the rose pedals in the bath tub along with bubble bath from bed bath and beyond of the scent she likes the most. After taking her hand and walking her into the tub pull out massage oil. Rub her back and neck while soft music plays in the background. Do this for about 15-30 minutes. Then leave and let her enjoy the bath for about 20 minutes before taking her out of the tub and drying her off. Next apply lotion to her entire body while throwing in kisses every 30 seconds. Afterwards lay in the bed, hold her and listen to soft music while cuddling and telling her you love her. Finally, give her a heart necklace, bracelet, or some other girly trinket and say something cheesy to make her cry. Or you can just piihb...
  6. Add in a guitar, a set of drums, a mic, and suddenly drag queens turn into a rock stars I think the guy in the back is Buck :nod:
  7. So is picking a fight with him here instead of ignoring it. Did the S2k guy not have his seatbelt on?
  8. Buy me a bottle so I can trap 130... doeeeeeeeeettttt!!!
  9. We can tank pool to work and if street racers run into us they will be the ones crashing and burning. I feel sorry for this guy if he wasnt racing. Getting mowed down by a truck just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time
  10. Wrong! If that happened the name of this site would be onefoot.com
  11. RIP, another death that could have been avoided with common sense. I'm going to buy a tank, people on the road are complete idiots.
  12. 1st offense -$250 to $2000 fine based on your blood alcohol level and driving history. 2nd offense -License supended for up to 1 year based on blood alcohol level and driving history -$500 to 3000 fine based on blood alcohol level and driving history -Party plates on your car for up to a year. Allowed to drive to work, but at any point in time an officer can pull you over to see if you are going to work. Additional fines are enforced every time you are caught abusing your driving priviledges. 3rd - License supended for 3 years - Car sold at an auction. (Profits go to various victims of drunk driver charities) - Up to 1 year in Jail - $5000 -10,000 fine based on the time frame between drunk driving occurances. This is what I had posted that Brian is talkin about. This is what I thought would be better to work off of.... I dont think 4 + offenses should be allowed. Even someone that has a high tolerance should stop driving after drinking if they have been warned twice ya know.
  13. What do you think the penalties should be for being caught drinking and driving? Current laws Depending on previous DUI offenses, fines can range from $200 to $10,000. Jail time ranges from three days to one year. Fines and jail sentences are as follows: First offense: Fine-$200 to $1,000; ALS for 90 days for .10% BAC or above; ALS for test refusal is one year license suspension; Jail-minimum of three consecutive days or three-day driver intervention program; Court license suspension is six months to three years Second offense: Fine-$300 to $1,500; ALS for one year for .10% BAC or above; ALS for test refusal is a two-year license suspension; Jail-minimum of 10 consecutive days or five days and minimum of 18 consecutive days of electronically monitored house arrest (EMHA), up to a maximum of six months; Discretionary driver's intervention program; Vehicle immobilization and plates impounded for 90 days; Court license suspension is one to five years Third offense: Fine-$500 to $2,500; ALS for two years for .10% BAC or above; ALS for test refusal is a three-year license suspension; Jail-minimum of 30 consecutive days to one year-Alternative sentence is 15 days of jail plus a minimum of 55 consecutive days of EMHA combined, up to a maximum of one year; Mandatory attendance in an alcohol treatment program paid for by offender; Vehicle immobilization and plates impounded for 180 days; Court license suspension is one to ten years Fourth offense or more or motor vehicle-related felony: Fine-$750 to $10,000; ALS for three years for .10% BAC or above; ALS for test refusal is a five-year license suspension; Jail-minimum of 60 consecutive days to one year; Mandatory drug/alcohol treatment program paid for by offender; Vehicle forfeiture-mandatory criminal forfeiture of vehicle operated by offender, imposed by the court; Court license suspension is three years to permanent revocation License suspension First offense First offense 90 days suspension 2nd in five years 2nd offense in six years 1 year suspension 3rd in five years 3rd offense in six years 2 years suspension 4th in five years 4th or more in six years 3 years suspension Do you think this is enough... not enough???? What do you think about applying these same exact penalties for street racing?
  14. Cool, what do I need to do the first one? I only do a 175 at most so that and full timing is all I need.
  15. Other than Dyno Brian fine tuning the a/f with HP tuners its still on the original tune Rutan put in it years ago with EFI live. I'm on SD already. Rutan and I discussed the COS or something like that but we never got around to it.
  16. http://www.filmonair.com/stills/lakeview_terrace.jpg
  17. Ummmmm yeah, I dont have a tuning device. I'm at the mercy of lap tops to pull timing.
  18. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I need to know what device is the best for the job and who can help with the installation
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