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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51A6T8GVXHL._SL500_.jpg
  2. Who in the hell stands around in cold weather? We are eating. If you are not going we really dont care. I'm hungry and you are all gay pirates.
  3. LOL! I was so out of it last night that I forgot to make this thread. I'll be there at 8:35.
  4. I used to be a ninja. What you didnt see were the chinese stars I threw at the criminal he had in the back seat.
  5. V8 Beast


    Yeah, telling me what he wouldnt do. I replied to him, but it's not going to happen...
  6. V8 Beast


    LMAO!! Wow at the name calling. Lucky for you I'm a sucker for an underdawg and its obvious that your CR's whipping boy right now. If we are lucky you will show up and actually have a fast car..... But Something tells me that the $25 will go towards my wife hot lapping the Envoy.
  7. V8 Beast


    Kenny doesnt feel... he just does...
  8. I have a medium sized cam for a manual car that I can sell ya for pretty cheap .588/.595 110lsa 228/232. PM me, it will be out of the car in 2 weeks.
  9. V8 Beast


    So I offer to pay for his fee and he dissapears... Checkmate? And am I wrong or is Kenny on his side Thats like routing for the guy with the flat tire to win the race....
  10. V8 Beast


    I should just close this thread, that cannot be topped!
  11. V8 Beast


  12. What about the ozone layer?
  13. V8 Beast


    Banning is no fun. Thats like tying a guy up and shooting him rather than giving him 5 minutes to run and hunting him down.
  14. V8 Beast


    Nah, that guy was great and lovable.
  15. V8 Beast


    Dont know. He has one of those random IP scrambler type thingies.
  16. V8 Beast


    hmmmmm Maury Povich?
  17. V8 Beast


    "Are you my daddddddddeeeeeee"
  18. V8 Beast


    After all the hookers you screw you probably do have several kids to claim
  19. V8 Beast


    I dont know about writing them off, but after everything is said and done I usually have to wipe them off
  20. V8 Beast


    Plus I can write it off as a charitable donation
  21. V8 Beast


    I've spent more than $25 dollars on one legged strippers...
  22. V8 Beast


    PM me the info on the form and I'll pay it right now... Your move
  23. V8 Beast


    I'm back from work. Lets play chess.... I'll make the first move. Will you sign up for the CR track event? Its a yes or no answer. Responding to anyone else or not at all before answering this just proves that you are a worthless bitch...
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