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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. http://idesigniphone.net/wallpapers/52536.jpg ...
  2. As a risk analysis expert I can tell you the 3-7 minutes you save by speeding makes you more likely to be seriously injured in a crash. Is that few minutes worth your life?
  3. Cool. For all I know she could have been looking in her rear view when she hit the truck... but if I was her lawyer I would claim lack of visibility all night.
  4. Shattered glass greatly reduces visabilty. Below is a pic to demonstrate http://www.insurancehotline.com/wp-content/themes/insurance/images/7874b96f473d87f830ea3718f121.jpeg
  5. It's not racist, faster is better... If that lady wouldnt have been a slow turtle she never would have been hit in the first place.
  6. V8 Beast

    XBOX One

    Been there. It was such a back woods location that my cell didn't even have signal unless I went outside.
  7. Jerrod, I've personally lost a bunch of things the same way. You kind of have to adopt the mind set of its not yours until its in your hands and/or paid for. Does it suck, yes... Do buyers HOPE sellers don't do things like this.... Yes... Is it his item to do with as he sees fit... Yes. I have a guy coming to look at my truck next week. If somone offers me cash before then he's not going to be happy. The end.
  8. If I were in Jerrods situation I would feel upset. When you buy from people it's a crazy game. You don't ever want to pay before you see something, and you have to work out a time to meet. As a seller if you have a guaranteed sale and a possible, you go with the one that's there with cash in hand. The sellers job at that point is only to tell you it's already been sold so you are not left hanging. Can't really do much else about it.
  9. http://p.twimg.com/AvsSka_CEAA7Zuk.jpg
  10. Probably. What more would you expect from a guy who doesn't lift.
  11. ... Aww, who cares. Yenner reminds me of the Turtle man anyway... "Live action!"
  12. I may be wrong... but if he was there for the initial idea and conversation leading up to the creation of cr he was there at the conception. *checking dictionary
  13. Reel tawk.. when it comes to lifting it up I turn up like a bauce.
  14. Just gargle afterwards with bleach and toilet bowl cleaner.
  15. Not upset, or trying to win. I'm just having a conversation and trying to give you insight on my point of view.
  16. Hmmm... resorting to name calling. Let me politely tell you what you did since your level of interaction is one of a person that has to use primitive name calling as a way to drive home a point. When you compared the ticket sale to your for sale issue you tied yourself and your interaction (possibly inadvertently) to the situation. Stating that this person is not the only one that does that was standing up for them by giving us a comparison in which to gauge the impact of what happened. The emotional attachment that you have to the situation is projected in your use of name calling and repetitive posting on the matter. When saying we are a tight group you recall on a handful of interactions that you feel are your ace in the hole. The problems there is a handful of interactions do not make for a community, it makes for PART of the community. Every family has some dysfunction, but in the end they are still a family. You may call others idiots, however, you are waist deep in a losing battle and resorting to childish name calling to try and prove a mute point. You may want to take a step back and rethink your game plan a little.
  17. That's a very good point. Your awesomeness is so great that when you screw one mans girl it becomes legend. Not sure if its because the massive size of your lightning rod, or the charisma you possess.. but when you do it my friend... you do it big.
  18. So Mr. Bravo, how is the hair? Using any new products?
  19. This guy is seriously delusional. Steps up to the plate to stand up for a guy he "doesn't really know" while "not caring" enough to keep posting. Makes sense
  20. So you are talking about one or two people and making it seem as though the entire place runs like that. Please try harder, Phil is not all of CR.
  21. Moved to the kitchen since the tournament is over.
  22. So you answer my question by being more defensive? Are you sleeping with this dude or something. Talk about diving on the grenade...
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