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Everything posted by Stimmel1647545512

  1. he gets more calls/texts than mike jones and didnt even put his phone number in a song FACT
  2. i wish sam would post in this thread
  3. those are eyes of a tru playa straight up slangin dinin roomz dineeytz bed setz hey
  4. i am the little kid in the its so cold in the d video and
  5. no such thing as a grammar mistake when talkin booooost welcome
  6. bro, i had to click this shit first to make sure this wasnt what it wasbecase i was gonna poist this that shit is my family dog
  7. is it just me or what it do out there in the world my dude bluemach (a fellow associate @ andrew andrew and associates) have been getting down on thoughts and thinkin is it only just us or is the struggle hittin everyone else hard on the real? like really and to top it all off apppppparenly there is a rapist in linclon park snatchin up on your poeple?
  8. good work and best of luck that is an amazing car congrats to everyone involved
  9. I work at advance as far as it goes at least in store is 5 quarts and a mobile filter for 32.99 sometimes there are crazy online deals they are pushing thier online ordering hard.
  10. i want the shortblock ill talk to rob about it later when i get to work
  11. is that the normal price? or black friday price
  12. anyone know of of any place that has some black firday specials on a ps3? my brother and i no longer live together and he took it so now i need one
  13. My uncle is looking for a 97-04 vette under 15k just somehting to drive and have fun in he already has a daily and a 76 stingray anyone know of any good local cars? thanks
  14. chad text me or pm me your number i need to come get some brakes parts for my GS and im working on a 76 vette now that needs front flex hoses


    thanks man 614-507-7049

  15. still got um how many 100 dollar bills will it take for me to take them home with me
  16. wow that made that car ten times more awesome im sure those will be a pretty popular wheel on that car those loook great!
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