I dont have anyhting to do for the rest of the night and just got back in town so Im gonna google and click it for a couple hours just because I like you.
I am standing it in right here it pottsville pa, I am posting this from my phone so pics to follow shortly I am excited to drink fresh yuengling at the end of the tour in case you didn't know its Americas oldest brewery pretty cool place.
First off verts don't suck and I got a new top on mine with pads and cables and a new boot and glass wiNdow for 700 there is only like a 165 pound differenc in gt hatch to vert by the way
I think my my firend with the big boobs was told she had to keep them covered up if she was in this shoot since she would of made everyone else look bad ahhaa she is the blonde chick on the far right in some of the early pics