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Everything posted by ramblerman

  1. Wow!! MEN? Seems you get around some!!If you have sissy old men that let ya push them around, more power to ya! You won't play that game with me though, you can bank on that!! Now go eat your supper your sissy old men cooked for ya!! the ramblerman
  2. You weren't drinking it in that picture either, just holding the empty bottle!! Now once again, go cook your old man supper and leave the racing forums to us!! the ramblerman
  3. Your clueless too!! Are you the one holding the beer bottle? the ramblerman
  4. I can only assume by that post that your the one sucking on the beer bottle in Wanna digs post, Right? BTW AMY, streets are for racing! Oh, one more thing, I said I would handle this through PM's and I did! From now on use your lips for something useful rather than talking, cause you have no clue what your talking about, honey!! your mayor
  5. Your clueless boy! He's already been notified by PM!! Know what your talking about before you run your flapper!! It makes you look stupid dumbass!! your mayor!
  6. I SAID I DON"T KNOW THIS MUTHA F@CKER FROM ADAM!! That is the only reason!! Trust me , I fear no one on the street!! Now I know you Tim and if you say its good its good!! I still don't know nothing about the 20th nor do I care to discuss it beyond PM'S! Thank you !! The ramblerman
  7. I said it all here once! Read it again you bunch of inbred morons! :cool:the ramblerman
  8. No I'm smart!! Thats why I don't get caught!! the ramblerman
  9. I run from no one!! I race only those I know!! I don't know you nor do I care to!! I don't even know what your talking about the 20th, so go have fun racing sam!! You have nothing worth racing anyhow!!That being said, I have nothing more to say to you on this subject!! :cool:the mayor
  10. If you think I don't race, you need to go see a shrink, besides your the one on foot not me!!I prolly have more races under my belt this year than you do yourwhole career!! BTW, some food for thought....Did you know that copying is the highest form of flattery there is? your mayor!!
  11. Whoa! Whoa! there big fella!! I think its kinda cute how you have all that confidence built up, but I don't just race any tom dick and harry that calls me out!! For all I know you might be Barney Fife!! You need to prove who you are before I will say anything more about this!! As a matter of fact, You acting like that makes me think you know absolutely nothing about street racing!! If you do, you should know better than that stranger!! Besides, I already have a schedule to keep with some fast cars!! the mayor!
  12. Sorry dark, I'll stick with my facts! I'm right!! If you guys would street race instead of talk all day, you would know I'm right too!! your mayor!
  13. I have to disagree with ya dark! Track numbers mean NOTHING on the street!!Sorry!!Truth and fact pal!! your mayor
  14. Thats funny, you'll go to Cleveland but you won't come to us and we own your town!! Hmmmmm..........? your mayor
  15. Thorne, I wholeheartedly agree with what your saying! These are the facts and unless we the people do something about this we are all screwed!!Ron Paul has my vote and he should have all our votes!! the ramblerman
  16. I think I'm needed badly on this site! Whadya think Venomous? the ramblerman
  17. Welcome venomous306, I think I know you from somewhere but I'm not sure! the ramblerman
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