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Everything posted by 990mike

  1. ok thanks i think im get to BUYING a truck load of them for 7.00 each 200 or 300 of the so if i get them i will have a bunch 4 sell too
  2. looking to bye ammo can's im looking to bye 50+ can's let me know what you got thanks mike
  3. ok thanks call me win you find out ive got cash 614-808-5867 mike
  4. its going to be a good time we are bring the BMG .50 cal with us i was think thy mit be a full auto .50 cal belt fed
  5. VendorsTHIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED AS VENDORS ARE CONFIRMED The current vendor list is as follows: Gun Envy LLC (GEAR-15 Rifles, Suppressors, NFA Firearms) Last Man Standing (Binary Exploding Targets) Zlogonje Gunleathers (Custom Holsters/Belts) Charlie Bravo Six (Tactical Firearms Training) PROGO Target Systems LLC (Moving Targets/AR500 Steel Targets) The Bullet Bunker (Bullet Traps) Firelands Hardware (Safes and Secure Storage)
  6. Some of the weapons available at the shoot…. http://www.veteransdayshoot.com/?page_id=35
  7. Weapon LineupThe weapon lineup for the Veterans’ Day Machine Gun Shoot consists of one or multiple of the following full auto or select fire weapons: AK47 AK74 M4 Uzi MP5 Sten MK III M249 SAW MK46 (Closed Bolt, Select Fire SAW) 1919 M60 MG42 Full Auto 12 Gauge Shotgun Glock Auto Pistol *WEAPONS LINEUP SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
  8. i thout you all would like to know about this shoot its going to be a good time i will be there working and hop to you all can com on out if you need any thing go to one of these sites http://www.gunenvystore.com/ or http://www.veteransdayshoot.com/
  9. Veterans' Day Shoot Gun Envy and Rayner's Range Veterans' Day Shoot Welcome to the Veteran’s Day Shoot hosted by Rayner’s Range and Gun Envy LLC. What better way to celebrate Veteran’s Day than will full auto firepower?!?! This event will be much different than Automatic August. It will still be a ticketed event, but there will be no time slots. You show up anytime you wish. We will shoot from 9am to dusk. In addition to shooting, industry vendors will be there as well. There will be food, drinks, and snacks available on site. One thing that we will be adding, is full auto trap shooting, with one of our auto 12s. Ticket prices and ammo will match Automatic August pricing, as long as prices from our suppliers do not change. We will make every effort to keep them the same. We are also working out some fun targets, which could include a couple of vehicles as well http://www.veteransdayshoot.com/ hop to see you all out there 990mike
  10. look i shoot more then any one you know and i shoot more ammo than you would think every weekend and even in the week nights any time any one would like to go shooting let me know theres a big shoot comming up too i will get all the in f o for you all
  11. well me and mojoe will bye them all thanks and mojoe thank you im not that good of a speller but i try my best but you know how it is lol i will bye as much as i can get lol
  12. how mite 8gb do you got left can you let me know thanks mike
  13. i will bye as much as i can get my hands on
  14. im looking to bye 200 to 400 mages in a 5.56 or 223 if any one knows were i can get them plazzzzz let me know ive got cash in hand you can call me at 614-808-5867 mike thank you
  15. if you would deal on all of it let me knowif the price right i would buy it all
  16. ok ive got a ar15 pistol i would trade you ive got over 1500 in the bild
  17. what is your best you can do if its cash let me know im not play
  18. i will look and see what i can get for you call me at 614-808-5867 mike
  19. if you dont see it thy can get it in for you i know them there good old boys
  20. thanks big time if you get more let me know i will get 50 + let me know thanks 990mike
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