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Everything posted by THE BUCKET

  1. yeah i think so. u gotta go into the shop and find someone. ill put it these way he know what its worth
  2. u cant miss it. if ur coming from Columbus make a left on 56 and its about a mile down the road on the left. there r old cars out front
  3. wont to go back down to get some more stuff
  4. mofo i herd u talkn shit like this wtf
  5. im lookn for just a roller with nothing in it. whats the lowest ull take for it
  6. there is a lot of racing like that but u got hustlers out there and its not how it goes. u gotta negotiate cars, on motor or spray, if the guy gets the jump or what.
  7. welcome my bother wants a mazdaspeed. he works for Rehagen Racing up in Michigan
  8. shit talkn = bad ass racing. like i said before if u dont like dont post.
  9. no the drivers door was smashed
  10. cant remember. there r a shit tone of cars there
  11. yeah ull be down there for hours lol
  12. could be a cyclone? i think that is what gearhead want me to check on but i forgot the vin i was wondering it myself because of no badges on the car
  13. no not yet. i looked today for my brother
  14. yeah the first time i went was 3 or 4 years ago and everything is the same. just some cars r added to the back now and then. u find new and cool stuff that u didnt see before everytime u go.
  15. there is a point but most of the cars u can find parts for to restore. but at the same time there r cars in there they dont make parts for and have to go treasure hunting for that rare part
  16. it looks the same lol same cars there . i love going there
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