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Everything posted by Duff1647545513

  1. I was going to suggest lockers too. You could probably even charge a little extra monthly to have a locker
  2. It's your first car, there's nothing wrong with getting something cheap and cheap on insurance until you can save up and get something you really want. And that way once you do get the car you really want, you have something you can dd and use the whole winter
  3. Non-vert v6 94-98 not red, if you're set on a Mustang.
  4. Id go ahead and call insurance companies now and get quotes on what you're thinking about getting before getting your heart set on a certain Mustang you do find only to realize you can't afford the insurance on it.
  5. I'm in for sure. I'd have no problem throwing $25/mo just in case i needed to use something
  6. Exactly what i was going for
  7. Get rid of the hood and the red and it would be fine. The interior is too red, i think i would get a headache driving it
  8. Damn, a little longer than i wanted. Thanks though
  9. Do you have any dimensions?
  10. You free tomorrow during the day? I wanna check it out
  11. Nice pick up. I've started to look for another one to dd myself.
  12. https://www.legalzoom.com/LZWeb/Welcome/SignIn.aspx?iProcess=7 Gots to sign up first. The step by step is pretty explanatory, it tells you in detail pretty well in the different price options. I some things i did the cheaper options and others i did the more expensive, it just depends on the thoroughness you want them to do and how much help you think you'll need from them. I tried making it as cheap as possible since I'm doing 3 different names and possibly a 4th. They have people to call during business hours if you have any questions. Google the shit out of your idea before paying anything though. You don't want a similar name or idea out there already or it will make the tradmarking much more drug out and could result in wasting that money. Im having this issue with one of mine, and unfortunately it's the one i really wanted the most. It's going to be fought in court
  13. I've actually been working on some trademarking for a few clothing lines myself. I used legal zoom, they've been pretty good so far
  14. Dammit, i wanted more photoshops
  15. Lol i went to school with the one in the ohio state hat and the guy to his right
  16. I want one of these so bad. I already have three dogs at my house now though
  17. You need to go to more speedways at 2:00 in the morning if that's impressive to you
  18. This has been pushed back so much, every month i go to get it on the date they say only to find out it has been pushed back yet again
  19. I'll trade you a 360 controller for it
  20. The corvette museum is on 65. Mamouth Cave is off 65. Nashville is a fun city to check out bars. I never really take 75 when i go down, so I'm not as sure with that route. Driving through atlanta sucks.
  21. You want an middle eastern guy on a treadmill?
  22. Its called an fm modulator IIRC. It basically works the same way as the fm tuner, but splices into the radio wires. Sounds better though. I think you can find them at walmart. I use an fm tuner all day at work. It doesn't sound too terrible if you find a good channel for it. Most of us that have them here take our antenna off and it helps
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