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Posts posted by Duff1647545513

  1. have you had any luck finding a 10 Cloverfield Lane stream? I've checked a few times on Exodus but there's been no stream so far. Checked 1channel and genesis too.


    Haven't looked for that movie yet. I usually give it a week or two with stuff that new anyway to get a better quality version.


    I ditched using Genisis ever since Exodus was made. They're by the same people and I have better luck with Exodus.

    You can also do a search in Phoenix that will look through all of the apps in Phoenix at once, but as far as brand new movies go, Phoenix seems to be a little behind.

  2. I've had mine for a few months and love it. I also use Kodi and basically just two apps inside of it. I don't have cable, but I can see any show the day after it airs in pretty good quality and I use it for new movies. If you have a good enough modem and internet, there won't be many issues and since Exodus was added, I haven't had to look very hard for a good stream. I watched a couple movies in 1080p streaming with zero buffering problems.


    For $60, it's well worth the try

  3. Basic as shit. Bought it off Craigslist for $40 or some shit for my ex. I can't use it because it's not strong enough for me. As soon as I take a step to jog, it bogs down. I weigh about 190, the ex weighed like 110 and it worked fine for her. The bitch I bought it from looked to be 140-150lbs, so I assume that's about the cutoff for it to work well. If you or your girlfriend/wife are fat, this probably isn't for you, but if you have a smaller woman just trying to get in shape it should be fine. As you can see in the pictures, it folds up, but is held up by a bungee. It's taking up space in my garage, so come get it. Use it, scrap it, sell it, I don't give a shit. Located in London.




    No fatties

    Located in London



  4. I love mine. Use the shit out of it. I use Geniuses and Phoenix the most on the Kodi app. What also seems to help with buffering is keeping the caches clear of all the apps on the firestick including Kodi, i do mine manually rather than the zero cache app. Right now I'm streaming a movie on it and my buddy is playing on xbox live with no issues
  5. Ugh welcome to my world, my furnace likes to randomly just not work until I fiddle with a few things then its good to go until the next time it decides to just not fire up. Yesterday I watched it fire up the pilot light then the burner came on for about 10 seconds then poof it just shut off. I wish I lived in a cabin with just a wood burning stove sometimes. lol


    Clean your flame sensor, or I can swing by after work and look at it, are you still on the corner of First Street?

  6. Going tanning will help with seasonal depression.




    And people tend to avoid negative people. Taking things for what they are and not looking at the shitty part of said thing definitely helps. There's very little in life that I get offended by or let bother me, it might take time and practice and a lot of keeping yourself in check as soon as you get frustrated or upset about something, but I enjoy the shit out off life with the attitude I take about life.


    Lighten up and try new things, don't be stuck in old ways and comfort zones.

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