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Everything posted by Z06G

  1. +2 iv been looking for someone who works with ti..
  2. You dont no the story. The dad of the previous owner of this evo was controlling the sale of the car, Anthony was the middle man. The kid(nick) AGAIN was playing games throught the neogation of the sale. The dad (is a lawyer and did not give a shit about this kid/ want to sell to him anyways) told Anthony fuck him im not selling the car to nick. SO, nick went begging to Anthony to please help him get this car, there after nick APPROACHED Anthony with saying, hey i'll give you $500$ if you make this deal happen. Multiple hours, days, and weeks of Anthony efforts have gone into this sale, even labor work has been involed, hes installed new suspension on that p.o.s, so to say the least yea, he fucking deserves his money....Iv been with anthony many of times when this kid has snaked his way out of meeting on several occasion. sooner or later antwon......
  3. awesome shots, ill take some too.pm
  4. Bullshit, pay up douche...
  5. back on topic, i did not lose last night, apreciate everyone who raced, all in good fun, i have most the races on vid, when i get my camera back ill post up. beat george-dig,20 andrew-dig r6-dig,20 shanton-70roll some black ss-40ll
  6. Z06G

    Friday 18th

    haha thanks pat, and dan youd be suprise how well it pulls for a 5000 pound truck, i heard it beat a certain red hatch last year haha
  7. Z06G

    Hey Shanton

    saw the win in person
  8. Z06G

    Friday 18th

    car still makes only 373 and will be like that for a while
  9. How bout we try to do our 40roll not in the rain this time..kthanks :asshole:
  10. this car was built at slomo, had 560wheel, hope he's alright and some parts can be salavged.
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