I have a set of 13" Baer Track Claw brakes for a 1g DSM. They are used but in great condition. They are still on my car but I am replacing them with lightweight drag brakes. They work Amazing, require 17" wheels.
$450 or best offer.
A fast street car is one that can beat any stock vehicle built(including bikes), end of story. How can you say you have a "fast" car and roll up on anything with factory parts and temp tags, and get waxed? Makes sense to me.
Scratch that, broke an axle on the way home from work. Currently waiting for AAA on 161, honk if you see me. HAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK this car!!!!
If I can get an axel in in time ill still roll out.
I might actually take my car out, I drove it to work today and it hasn't broken anything... since yesterday. So ill notify AAA now and make the voyage from pataskala later
Just so everyone knows, I wasn't offended, only joking back. I'm pretty hard to offend and usually sarcastic, so don't take my posts too seriously.
All in good fun
Thank you for the clarification, if only I had know before hand. I should probably get moving on scrapping the cars, throwing away all of my auto/x trophies and destroying my time slips that are faster than 99% of shit talkers on this board. Whoo, load off my mind.
I know its cold but my car is alive and i wanna drive it. The only thing ive heard is polaris, but ive been told its a bit of a rice-fest.
So where is everyone these days?
I drive it as much as possible, but its not the most reliable/practicle car. I got the parts for the bottom end cheap enough that I dont care if it comes apart prematurely. I have spare rods and pistons and heads.
What type of car?
91 AWD Talon
What mods?
Aluminum rod 2.0
Foxlake cnc head
Shearer topmount w/ gt42r
full homade 4" exhaust
shep stage 4 trans
13" brakes
Street tires only
Whats the car going to be built or is used for?
Having fun any way I can in it.
What are your goals with the car?
Drive to track, get kicked out for no parachute, drive home listening to loud ass heavy metal
Is this the usuall hangout now(for the non-body kit crowd)? I drove around all last night tuning my new setup and trying to find people.
PS. I promise I'm not a ricer.
Broke a shift fork in my shep trans at marion last-last friday. Stock trans goes in this weekend, then back to the track!
Oh and my civic has been broken for a while because I kept reving it to 10grand on stock parts and snapped a retainer in half.
Broken cars FTL!