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Everything posted by slowdiesel

  1. I know paul also, he drives my uncle john's car! Small world!
  2. Is there a list of what the numbers are!
  3. I need to get my Girl in the race of women, Her driving ='s your women owned!LOL
  4. Sig600, my little truck is faster than yours!!!!LOL
  5. Oh it will light, 64mm 71LDP 13cm stainless housing, the stainless housing have nice wastgates on them. I have seen a VP44 truck go 450 with this charger.
  6. I drive it, it breaks I may have a turbo for you, But I have a few others that would like it if i decide to sell it. But you know how it goes when people say they want something and the when its time to buy they back out.
  7. Scotty If you have any questions let me Know.
  8. ^^^OK slate clean, I will relax.LOL Scotty2hottie it will fit in a 1500.
  9. So now you take back what up said because there are people on here that actually know something about a diesel.LOL. There are plenty of fast 12v's that are not trailer queens. Guess what it takes, tuning!!!! By the way mustangs are slow!!LOL
  10. This is one of the funniest posts i have ever read on here, you logic on what HP you have is just pisses me off and it makes diesel enthusiast's sound stupid. Its like the guy that stacks two boxs and and add them to his rated HP,LOL. Please try to learn more before you speak. It sounds like you are now getting some nice parts for your truck. Good luck with your truck, they are fun!!!
  11. Ding Ding Ding we have a Winner ^^^
  12. You all have so much to learn, There has been a cummins rail that hit the 6's this year. Mind you these are low budget rigs, that a bunch of hillbillys put together!LOL. 8000lbs trucks running 10's and they drive to the track, and pull there campers there!
  13. You could not have said it any better SIG600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My linkage stayed on all the way home!
  14. And I sit on a Pillow!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. S600 I have a blue and silver 91 non-intercooled truck, You know what kind of boxes they make for that? Its all about the rev gain, and the TCB BOX!
  16. Sig600 you are a real smart a** what makes you the Diesel God!!!!! LOL. You act like you know everything, I say Put up or shut up, what does that thing run in the 1320? Jerk! Watch out when I put my box on the 200hp setting!!!!!
  17. Banks Turbo System, Lmao!!!!!
  18. I Drive mine because Torque is Fun!!!!!!!!! But I do know how to drive it,and its Just a Reg. Cab.
  19. APPS Reset Procedure Answer: This procedure has shown to help 24 valve ISB engines. It is basically teaching the fly by wire accelerator on these trucks to reread the position of the pedal and it's limits. Most complaints this will help with is poor acceleration, improper shifting, bucking in 5 and 6 speeds. Has been known to increase fuel mileage in some instances. 1. Set parking brake 2. Disconnect negative battery cables on both batteries 3. Turn ignition key to run(to drain any remaining capacitors) 4. Let truck sit for 30 minutes( this is the recommended minimum) 5. Return ignition to OFF position 6. Reconnect both batteries and secure, not a timed event 7. Turn key to run position(not start) and depress accelerator pedal slowly all the way to the floor 8. Allow pedal to return to top position slowly 9. Turn ignition switch OFF 10.Release parking brake
  20. When you cracked the injector lines did you have any Air coming out?
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