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Status Updates posted by Mopar

  1. Been a while since anyones left anything. So I figured I'd let you know we haven't forgotten. RIP
  2. Damn, that is sweet. Shoulda keep it!
  3. Not sure what you're talking about? LOL I was pretty drunk and don't remember a whole lot
  4. One day the worlds will align and we'll go party haha
  5. Right by the corner of Rosedale and Rosehill
  6. I've got mw2 on pre-order, but I will be avoiding any online interaction with you fo sho lol. I didn't know they set a release date for gt5 I hope it does come out then. I also hope it's as good as forza
  7. You nfs-shift yet? So I can destroy you online like you did to me on cod4 :(
  8. I dunno I kinda just been laying low, i really don't come out at all. Just watch a race here and there, other than that I either work on the car or drink.... preferably both at the same time lol
  9. you talking about the dirt bike accident? If so I seen it on here somewhere, bet that hurt a little.
  10. haha same as you brother. just trying to get things done on the car and whatnot, little at a time I guess ftl
  11. If I had to choose one, I'd get the vert. The notch looks like crap.... especially with that retared sn95 dash
  12. I don't think so, gotta wedding to attend. Went out last night though, ended pretty early on brice.
  13. Oh, I know I could, but I plan on spraying the dipstick out of my shit lol
  14. Damn.... that's you fo sho.
  15. You locked my thread :( solid 2-3 pages of worthless posts right there :lol:
  16. I was just on there a couple days ago. I just don't post much there.
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