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Posts posted by Mopar

  1. For those that personally know me, you know I am not a thief. Did i make some stupid decisions, fuck yes. If I had known what I know now, the outcome would have been much different i assure you. I just want to move past this, and continue on with my life. As for what you others have to say, you are entitled to whatever opinion you choose to form. I think the fact that quite a few people in this thread are wishing me well, should mean a lot (which I thank you guys for) and fuck you Phil u canada dry
  2. I believe your local track caters to local cars, which is mostly bracket racing. If more heads up cars get built, the need arises for trails to do something about it. Tough part is getting people to build them, when there is no class.
  3. Nobody that's up this late like me? Guarantee if I posted something like this 2-3 years ago I woulda been hitting my pockets to pay someone, now ill have to wait till tomm to regret making this thread lol
  4. I'm the dumbest mufucka here, I will admit to that. Reynoldsburg is awesome, not sure what u talkn bout. They reported my stolen car to me 6 months after it was found by cpd, no complaints here! :/
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