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Posts posted by Mopar

  1. you trapping 124mph and going 11.8x TPR trapping 126mph going 10.01 i think with lower tire pressure, good burnout, fully adjustable suspension, and traction bar you should be in the same range as Rob.


    They must be letting off, no way in hell they are going 10 flat with only 126mph. It would be a stretch to do that in a rwd car, let alone a fwd.

  2. I knew it! I was driving down rosehill towards broad, and you were turning onto rosehill from broad. I noticed the car and was like huh, that's pretty clean. As soon as I was thinking that, you stood on it. I saw the front raise up and fly past me, and I hear a whistling so I'm damn was the bitch turbo'd?!?! Lol sleeper.
  3. What time does the grudge stuff start? I forgot my sister in laws b-day is this Sat at 3.


    I believe at 6, but it goes all night so even if you dont show up till midnight people will still be there lol

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