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Everything posted by Mopar

  1. I asked to see a pic of your sister..... that constitutes violence? You win paul, I won't ask, I'm scared
  2. Fuck my stomach is growling now, basturd!
  3. Pics or she wasn't born (sister)
  4. Drunk posting on the net Eat a dick
  5. black, with correctly positioned exhaust tips.
  6. Where is a time machine when you need one. That thing needs to be transported to Hiroshima, its got fail only a nuclear bomb can stop.
  7. QFT. Do not take any tests, wish I would have known
  8. Meh.. Meh.. Fuck yes. Do it or I'll hit you with classic board games.
  9. Mopar colors don't look good on anything but..... Mopars http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3361/3503888879_5bca8abb7e.jpg?v=0
  10. Mopar

    Hows this look?

    If you go more than 4" over, I will cunt punt you.
  11. Cerealy mad at rhett, the crawl was like 2 months ago. You sir are a douche fuckery fail. I second the motion for a new camera man. I also motion that rhett be banned from oxygen.
  12. Mopar


    I need to find more shine, pm me if you haz hook up
  13. Yep it was mostly local guys at brice, I think brice is officially done for.
  14. Thats what I'm thinking, that would explain how they got ejected.
  15. Mopar

    big thanks

    Same as it did when we pulled the motor out of the corvette
  16. Mopar

    big thanks

    No prob mang hope it scares the crap out of you lol.
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