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Everything posted by Mopar

  1. HAHA thats fucked up.....
  2. I know, thats why I said it. You can't be hogging all the toxins bitch
  3. haha you bitch!! drunk fotos ftl
  4. Mopar


    Yea, i didn't even bother with it I can understand a nova, but a malibu..... seriously? My screen name must say 79chevy I guess.
  5. besides the act of what they are doing, I found the jar video harder to watch. but i couldn't imagine how i would react if i was the one to find this guy in that condition.
  6. Mopar


    Why is this not locked yet
  7. between this smilie and your sig i'm slighty concerned that you are infatuated with erections, did i mention you have quoted peter north.
  8. I just watched it, it doesn't even seem real..... how can someone do that and enjoy it
  9. I'll be on the look out at the next meet
  10. Mopar


    Best intro ever, glad to take part in it. This guy is eventually going to crack.
  11. I for one blame denim for taking part in the destruction of morals in modern society. Seriously? Sagging did originate in prison, the availability theory is quite a stretch.
  12. Mopar


    You sir are lying, this is your favorite group: http://www.deanguitars.com/userpics/lib5/wham!.jpg
  13. I like to overuse lol, i don't do it on purpose lol, it just happens lol.....lol my bad
  14. Mopar


    we are gonna try this again.... Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand Just like that river twisting through a dusty land And when she shines she really shows you all she can Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande
  15. Mopar


    Fred says hello.... I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt so sexy it hurts
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