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Everything posted by NXfedRam

  1. ohh I'm sorry...I nearly forgot that you were the only person on columbus racing and therefore my comment must have been directed toward you . I was simply informing others that may not have known...no reason to act like an asshole.
  2. 1320video.com is where that video's from. They have some of there newer video's viewable on there site but for all of the the previous ones you must order their dvd's (which are very good by the way!)
  3. understandable...if you change your mind let me know
  4. any chance you could part with just the indash?
  5. Yea but running a 13.3 in a whippled cobra is....dumbass(that can't drive)
  6. probably because Linn will be getting plenty of seat time...and apparently hes a perfect driver
  7. Found this over on svtp and just thought it was one of the best sounding modular mustang I have heard. It looks like it moves out to boot! :burn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PQNp_LiF6Q
  8. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/2867465b-2b1d-4c88-a711-98bb017fc164.htm
  9. Sounds very nice and the orginal 96 mystic's were very sharp...pray you dont scratch it or have to repair any paint for that matter!
  10. Go ahead... I'm back at school now and would'nt have a chance to pick it up until Thursday. Thanks anyways
  11. Any chance those street drags fit under an sn95 mustang?
  12. damn could I come pick this thing up today? Your in Dublin?
  13. sucks to hear that. I had a school bus plow into the bedside of my truck while I was working... luckily he was smart enough not to try and get away!
  14. depends how lucky i'm feeling that day
  15. Check out university of northwestern ohio
  16. http://pics.livejournal.com/twoflower/pic/0002e4dt/s640x480
  17. lol...mother of god thats a large sig
  18. Well I guess that would depend on what kinda power your pushing through your magical dorito
  19. My names Patrick and I've been a member here for a few years but never really posted much. Anyway's I changed my e-mail and wanted a different username so I started a new account and plan on posting a bit more. I have a 98 Ram SS/T with bolt ons, gears, and thats is all Also I mine as well go ahead and turn down the race that Linn will call me out on when hes sees this Heres a quick picture that steve (turbohatch) photoshopped for me... http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/projectturboex/P9280145_edited-1.jpg
  20. yea yea...I planned on getting around to it!
  21. I'm sure www.slowmotionmotorsports.com would be another option.
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