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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Legalization/ Decriminalization is the way to go. The pros heavily outweigh the cons.


    "Criminals" are let out of jail. Less tax money is being used to keep these "Criminals" in jail. (Drug dealers, rec users)


    Regulate it/Keep it off the streets. It's a lot easier for kids to get dope than it is to get cigarettes. When I was in high school I had a harder time getting cigs then I did marijuana.


    Direct money on the drug war to better things.


    Think about all of the money that is spent trying to deter kids away from marijuana use, and how ineffective it is. We spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the stupid above the influence commercials.


    The medicinal dispensaries also PAY TAXES to the state on the money they pull in.


    Cons are seeing controlling it on the roads. But... many studies show that marijuana smokers that drive are actually more safe while on the roadways. Not all of them, most of them, but... when was the last time that you have heard of a fatal wreck due to marijuana?


    The fact that prohibition has lasted this long is ridiculous.

  2. I don't understand why they don't just equip a USAF-style drone, or even a beefy remote controlled plane, with sensors and then fly it right into the heart of a tornado. Most chasers spend tens of thousands of dollars in fuel, equipment, and volunteer time trying to get sensors, Doppler radar, etc...near/into a tornado. They could have 100% success with a remote flying sensor array. :)


    While flying something into it is a great idea, you can't get something to fly directly into it with the wind forces that tornadoes have.


    If I am wrong please correct me.

  3. When do these start back up again. I've been looking into riding as a fun thing to do, as well as saving money for gas for driving to and from school next year. I don't really want to miss the sign up for these classes again.


    Link or anything?


    Thank you.

  4. I hate going to Walmart. I'm much happier shopping at Meijer.


    Meijer for sure.

    I refuse to shop at wal mart for anything. I hate what they do, and what they have done to become what they are today, but I can't lie they are very smart business men as far as the heads of the company go.

  5. Thanks Duff, ended up bringing home the black lab and he is getting along with the other dogs just fine. Took a little bit for my boxer to warm up to him but they are ok now.


    Woulda posted this in the thread but it closed up.





    My golden retriever didnt want to get in the picture but.

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