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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I have a snowboard, boots, and a bag for sale.

    My asking price for it all is 50.


    I can provide camera phone pictures upon request.


    I'm getting rid of my old gear. The board will be good for someone b/w the height ranges of 4' 10" to 5' 3" in my opinion. The boots are a size 7. The bag carries it all.


    The board is a shop board from Jays Snowboards. It is a nice board that is still in good condition and just needs a waxing. There are bindings but I would personally suggest getting new ones.


    The boots are airwalk boots. They are in good condition, nothing wrong with them at all.


    Someone should want this for there kids to take em out on the slopes this winter.


    You can PM me here, post or call my cell at 614-562-6538.

  2. Done deal.


    I must say congrats to not one all day. It will be the third and fourth day that catch up to you so good luck. Sunflower seeds are what I tried to stop with. Start buying the flavored kind too. They worked for a while longer.


    I'm not even gonna try to stop anymore. I do enjoy it.

  3. I understand the studies that were done on weed. I have researched it a lot in my spare time. Bottom line smoke of any kind does no good for your lungs.


    My personal opinion is that the government knows it is not as bad as they promote. I don't think we will ever get to the point where it is decriminalized or legal for recreational use. If we get to that point then the government will look like the bad guy. They have been brainwashing and lying to us about it for a long time. Wasn't one of the first reasons it was made illegal was for an excuse to get Mexicans out of our country?


    I feel everything should be legal. You know the whole thing our country was founded on.... freedom?


    If you knew anything, Ohio basically has decriminalized it.


    Ohio laws state that you are allowed to have up to 100g on you and the most you will get is a 100$ fine. Nothing on your record. That is falling just short of 1/4 pound. 200g is max 250 dollar fine and or 30 days in jail. that is just short of a 1/2 pound. If you ask me, that is practically decriminilization.


    The upcoming pres. cantidates are also very lenient on marijuana. Even Hillart has no problem with it at all.


    The day is coming soon when it is decrim/ legalized.

  4. Weed has more tar in it then smoking tobacco.


    Now, everyone go and do some research on Marijuana/ Cannabis.


    The tar that it does contain is not as harmful to the body as the tar that cigarettes contain. Along with that, it also has the ability to boost brain cell growth. The carcinogens are what cause cancer in cigarettes, and yes, there are four times the amount of carcinogens in marijuan, but studies show that marijuana does not cause cancer. So, this tar is not effecting the lungs.


    It does not cause cancer.


    Also, how many times have you heard, person dies from marijuana. Or kids get in a deadly accident while driving stoned?


    400,000 deaths are caused by alcohol.


    100,000 deaths are caused by smoking cigarettes.


    Fight me all you want. Yes, listen to the bullshit the government feeds you.




    Honestly, if it would help, yes start smoking weed, it is not as bad for you as cigarettes. Do I think it will help you quit? No.

  5. Wow, weed is not even bad for you, nor will it help you stop smoking. Your body craves the nicotine, there is none of it in weed. Just try cold turkey, see how long you last. Honestly, I would say just start rolling your own cigarettes. Get a roller, some filters, papers, and a bag of tobacco. It is cheap as hell.
  6. I didnt start cause I thought I looked cool. I grew up around my mom smoking and I wondered what it was like. I liked it when I tried it and that is that. I was saying, those of you who DO smoke, probably did not start when you were 18. Now I'm not saying my mom smoking made me start, but it was a factor.


    Anyway, when I tried and horribly failed at it, I tried replacing cigarettes with suckers and such.


    I had a friend who just quit, but he was a major ass for a month until your body is used to not getting the nicotine. It is very hard, you will start shaking, you will be a dick a lot of the time and you will piss people off.


    Good luck in your attempt.

  7. If it is really that hard on your pockets, roll your own.


    I smoke a pack a day. I went to the gas station, bought a fresh pack, bought a bag of tobacco, and some papers, and I roll my cigarettes too. I'll have the Reds sitting around for 2 days now compared to one. And the bag of tobacco lasts quite a while too.

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