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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Buy a DSM and have fun fixing it every weekend.
  2. PM'd. Fell through on the Prelude I'm looking at. hippy_with_a_hackeysack@yahoo.com send me pictures, inside and out. All views of car, speaker setup, dash, all of it. I'm very interested depending on the price you can swing.
  3. The only reason I miss going to Columbus Public schools. You get to see that stuff. But I'm glad I'm gone, being the only white kid in a school is not cool.
  4. For Paint? I mean, I need a price on the sand prime and paint job, w/ and w/o paint included.
  5. Thanks all for the help, gonna prolly get this thing tomorrow, now all I need is someone who can get me a nice paint job for a good price. Car is from Georgia so paint is all faded.
  6. Well all the other vents worked. But as far as the ABS goes, I dont think it is a huge deal. I've had ABS start pumping one time for me before so...
  7. Car 92 Prelude ABS Light wont go off? AC Wont blow out of 2 vents. I'm going to call them the central vents since thats where there located, in the middle. Anyone have any ideas? ABS a big deal?
  8. TTT, I'll take Civics/ Accords in mind as well, still must be a 5 spd.
  9. Looking for a 90-92 300zx No more than $3500. Has to look clean and run well. HAS TO BE A 5 SPD!
  10. Liquid Vision? NASTY! They have been red flagged 4 times! Go to Body Language, little pricey, but insane work. I got mine done by the orig. owner of Liquid Vision though, but it looks sick, just tribals not my thing.
  11. Looking for a good DD. Car must be 5spd. Looking Around 3g's. Pictures Please. Just let me know. E-Mail- hippy_with_a_hackeysack@yahoo.com Prefer Corolla Audi 100sc/200's
  12. People, get a job as a pizza delivery boy. Go to a small shop. The driver I work with on Sundays brings home 100$ cash, plus a paycheck. That is 200$ in a night. Think about friday and saturday added on.
  13. It's cool, I added that after you had posted it. I left out one important part.
  14. Looking for a 300zx, early 90 models. Post if anyone has anything out there. Not looking to spend over 5k. Pics please. MUST BE MANUAL!!!!
  15. Like you said, nighbors lawn. It will be yellow the next morning.
  16. There so hard to find with low mileage. All that I have found have like 140k on them. I need something with close to 100k.
  17. If it was a for sure win then yes. If I was rich, then yes. If it was my only car and there was a dead even chance of a win and the shifts made the difference then NO!
  18. Thanks for the help but I'm definitely not interested in any type of Honda/ Acura. 240 sounds nice but would like to have a turbo in one of those.
  19. I would like some suggestions on some nice cars then pushing good HP with around 100k miles. I would prefer RWD or AWD but not picky. Manual is a must.
  20. Basically looking for a car with out a turbo but has good hp. 170+. Basically, I like the body styles on these cars and what not. Reliable? Pricy to fix? Pricy upfront cost? Easy to modify? Any suggestions would be nice. Any other car suggestions would be nice. 4g's is all I'm looking to spend. Trading in a 01 Buick regal so I'm not getting a ton of cash out of it.
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