I run a Baratza preciso and a takahiro kettle on an 01 sized v60. I use the wave and aeropress a lot too. Check out the acaia scale as well, I love mine for pour over. I've also got a chemex and some able brewing gear but it just sits in a cabinet.
Best place to get beans imo is cafe brioso. They just opened a new cafe. Their yirgacheffe is great. Yeah me too has good beans, cash only though, Impero is okay, one line is my least favorite place but their baristas made it far into nationals this year so they do know what they're doing. Luck Bros is pretty good but I prefer the bean from brioso. I have to check out staufs and mission coffee still.
What is your grinder? If you haven't already ordered a good burr grinder you're not going to get any sort of good results or be able to dial in a flavor you like.