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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. What are common issues with the vans? What's their life expectancy? At what mileage do they start showing problems?
  2. It's looking like a truck with trailer will be my ideal set up since I'll be in one area a majority of the year. I'm still looking at other options but, if anyone has a lead on a Xtra cab/access cab TRD Tacoma 2wd with locker or 4x4 please let me know, preferably with the frame replaced or down south. Cash in hand.
  3. If I go the truck route I'm either sleeping in the bed with a cap and throwing a roof rack on top or seriously considering hauling a trailer, leaving the trailer parked and using the truck for going around. I'd retrofit the trailer to my needs. I found a trailer with the internals built already and it's partially insulated for under 1500 and it's already in kentucky. Most of my time will be spent in somewhat established areas so the toilet isn't necessary. I don't need an rv as I won't be spending much time inside the behicle. I'll still work a few days a week and then be outside the rest. I like the van idea, I see a lot of them on my trips and I envy all of the room. The only complaint I've heard of with the truck ,is on rainy days you feel confined not being able to stand or cook comfortably anywhere. I'm definitely going to do more research on vans, I like the space they offer for days I'll be stuck inside of it.
  4. I could do either or but I prefer to sleep in the truck/vehicle. I've also looked at pop up caps and tents that go on top of the cap. I've also tossed around the idea of hauling an enclosed trailer.
  5. Thanks for all of the other suggestions so far. This will be what I'm living in and sleeping in, cooking out of but I'll be outside adventuring and working more than I spend time inside of this vehicle. I'll be parked at a campground a majority of the year with about 50 miles per day of driving on average. I'm open to any and all suggestions as long as it's reliable.
  6. I'm looking to pick up a Toyota Tacoma to live in for the next year or two while I travel the U.S. to climb my ass off before I get to old and miss my opportunity. I have no knowledge of this truck vs that truck so I'm trying to pick the truck peoples brains on what you wish you had/ need or would have done differently. I'm looking at the Tacoma because of reliability and resale value if for some reason I decide to sell it after this journey. What I do know is that the Tacoma frame will rust from the inside out so if I find one that has been in salt I want it to have had the frame recall done recently as I've heard this doesn't transfer to used buyers but I might be wrong on this. I also read the 95.5 models to 2001 weren't included in the recall so I'm steering clear of those. I'm looking to get a TRD Off Road V6 RWD Access Cab with the Locker as I don't THINK the 4x4 will be necessary based off of what some friends have told me terrain is like in the places I'll be visiting. I'll spend most of my time in the Red River Gorge in KY, which my Corolla moves around in just fine. For the colder midwest months I'll be traveling to Tennessee, Texas, California, Utah, Wyoming and Colorado. I don't think I'll use the 4x4 enough to warrant the extra up front cost, declined gas efficiency and higher maintenance costs that come along with 4x4. I see a lot more 4x4 for sale though with this package so I'm wondering if anyone has run into issues with them or if they're worth giving a look. The only reason I've been told to look at 4x4 is because it won't eat up the roads I drive on as much. Most of the roads into climbing areas are either graded each year or they try to have a heavy dose of gravel dropped over them. The access roads are normally steep hills leading into valleys. They become mud pits and with heavy rains I've seen a number of people getting stuck in their FWD cars. I'm trying to stay around 14k but I have room to go up if needed, possibly into the 18k range. I will also need a cap which I haven't included in this budget and I'd like some info on those as well. The only brands I know of are ARE and Leer. Other things I'm curious about are any must have upgrades for a traveler/truck owner. How is the seat on long drives, do you feel you are cramped in the cab of a mid sized truck? Other than the Tacoma I've been looking at 1st Gen Sprinter vans and other various work vans but I don't see them as being as dependable. My buddy has a lift at home and is the Sprinter Tech at Crown so getting one of these and getting it prepped for the trip would easily be doable and cost effective for me personally. I'm just worried about other things popping up while on the road. I don't want to eat into the savings I've put aside for when I return to normal life. Thanks for any info anyone provides on this.
  7. I snagged a Wagner Ware #8 today for 15 off craigslist. Still looking for some other sizes and shapes. Prefer the old stuff, like your grandparents cast iron before I resort to the Lodge equipment but I might have to go that route for the dutch cooker. I'm meeting another person tomorrow to look at 8 more pieces of Wagner stuff from 1890 still in the original box unopened.
  8. I already have my Snowpeak Ti cookware for the UL stuff. I'm looking for my base camp gear now. Thanks for the Amazon info.
  9. I do my best to keep everything losless or flac.
  10. The question mark indicates a question.
  11. Coming from someone who's never heard the difference in quality to see where the extra money goes?
  12. And you're still in the bottom end of cost really. You'll find sounds in music you didn't know we're there with headphones like these. I guess you'd have to have a high appreciation for music to justify the expense.
  13. Thanks for the info. I'll look into these. Lol at the beats and apple buds.
  14. I haven't looked at headphones in a while and when I was paying attention I was interested in over ears. Looking for some in ear audiophile headphones on a budget. Not looking to run an amp on these and want something that stays in the ear well and has a good range. Not looking for anything bass heavy but I don't want that end to be completely dead. A volume control on the cord would be nice but not necessary. I'll take a look at Sennheiser and Klipsch as I've been happy with these brands in the past. Any other suggestions?
  15. I've had issued with new sigs and 147gr freedom munitions. After about 600 rds of 115gr and a box of +p it ran fine. Clean it up and get the sig factory gunk off. Shoot some fast ammo and enjoy.
  16. I could've sworn I passed a little donut shop on OSU campus on N. High street the other day. Employees were still in there at 5.
  17. I've had my dog, an english coonhound for about a year and a half now. When I got him at 6 months he had this weird pouch I've never seen on a dog in his testicle region. I figured it was puppy fat that would go away. Now he's coming up on two and this pouch looking thing is still there. It's almost looks like a water balloon in this area. He's not overweight I don't think. He slims out at the hips, and doesn't have the football shape on his body so I don't think it's excess fat. On most dogs you can see the entire sheath of their penis, it looks like most of his is is in this water balloon looking thing. He's not bothered if you touch it and doesn't show signs of it bothering him. I took him to banfield for his neuter since it's a pretty basic procedure and they were as inexpensive as I could find, I know they're not a highly recommended vet but no one ever said anything about the pouch (I've never asked). He went back there for a few vet checks and again, it didn't come up at this time either. He did get worms at one point from a dog park, he got dewormed when I got him and I got him on a deworm plan for whatever form he picked up at the dog park. I started the deworming for the dog park worms in Sept or October and his last round was in November. I'm worried this pouch is a sign they're still there. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=902&pictureid=8463 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=902&pictureid=8464
  18. I spend enough time living outside already without those things. Up with the sun, down with the moon, what do you need light for after dark? Yeah, I might miss my crest gum protection toothpaste but, I think I'll manage.
  19. I would give zero shits if our country went upside down and everyone lost their jobs and houses. I'd be fine living in Kentucky in the woods, with my guns. I'd give a lot of shits if I had to live in today's society without my guns.
  20. Thanks for all of the advice thus far. I didn't know 740 was the line, I want to stay above that line after I get pre qualified to stay in the excellent category. The point of this was to see what I could do to bring it up higher minimalizing how far I am from the line after the drop. I know there are things I can do to keep my score going up but didn't' know what my best options were and what would effect me negatively. If something were to happen after a purchase and I have to use more savings I want to have a high score if for some reason I would have to finance something else. I'd feel pretty dumb walking in somewhere saying I have an excellent score, price me out to only find out I'm in the good category.
  21. He's telling me to move limits of 3 cards to one and close the other two.
  22. I have not checked, that's something I'll look into. Thank you.
  23. Not to de-rail but you have read about the issues on EOTech, right? Everyone is sending theirs back in for refund checks because they lied about their optics holding zero in varying weather conditions.
  24. I know diversity is factored in. I don't care about percentage rates, I don't carry balances. If I were to open another type of card for a boost (if it would boost) I would do it the same day I got my score ran for pre approval of a home loan to lessen the ding to my score. If that means I fall to a 760 or 770 but can be back up to 815-820 in 5 to 6 months I'll do it. I'm just asking questions on options that could possibly bring it up. I know even cancelling cards will drop my score some. My two biggest factors effecting my score always say, diversity of credit and length of time accounts have been open.
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