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Everything posted by blueG60rado

  1. I took mine this morning... the bitch at marysville hospital made me sit in there over an hour, watching people come and go. I finally told her if I didnt piss I was going to fucking explode. I pissed straight water, not sure if im gonna pass or not.
  2. This is an old pic before flushmounts and fender eliminator. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e216/blueG60rado/P1010552.jpg?t=1191895519
  3. I'll sell you my silver/black 03 R6 for 5 grand. Just ticked over 7k miles tonight. Stub pipe (sounds great), custom fender elim, integrated tail, smoked flushmounts.
  4. qsl was fun, I got a race with a turbo nsx and the Black 300zx. The night did end up sucking a big one as I got pulled cruising 114 down 315, which will result in my license being suspended. Its been fun.
  5. ...in the context of buying and selling
  6. Everything in life is negotiable, and the worst people can do is say no.
  7. I think your set up looks killer the way it sits now.
  8. I would seriously pay a crisp twenty dollar bill to have that erased from my memory. Damn my morbid fucking curiosity.
  9. Found this vid from a guy in south florida. 3650# raceweight full interior w/ ac, progressive 400 shot.
  10. You're right but this thread is making me think in a way I haven't thought for over 3 years. I am open to the possibility that there are operations and systems in our universe that we cannot even begin to comprehend. Any firm worldview requires faith to some degree.
  11. Fuck Lori M. Tyack clerk of courts. Bitch takes all my money.
  12. Did anyone read about the twin clutch 6 speed automated manual. sounds crazy. And as for whether this will be better than a 4g63... its evolution baby.
  13. I went to the Matco Votech site and the first box is $1752 and the second $2184. I am sure there would be a hefty ass shipping charge though. I never bought a box b/c my two craftsmans seem to still lock fine. An example of tools, they have a 21mm 19mm 1/2 impact flip socket for 13 bucks. It is handy as fuck. In all reality you could probably create an account and get a discount without even being a student anywhere. The only downside is the matco guy may not replace a broken tool if you did not buy it from him. http://www.matcotools.com/ProductImages/4225R-BC.jpg http://www.matcotools.com/ProductImages/4325R-BC.jpg
  14. And the way my discount program worked I could get up to and over half off individual items from matco online. Snap On I have never dealt with because I feel they are overpriced, and iirc I would've needed to buy a set as opposed to buying individual matco tools I needed, which would defeat the purpose of the discount. Your other option if you have no expendable cash is to just wait and buy Craftsman. Nothing wrong with that at all, and sometimes its less of a hassle to get broken shit replaced.
  15. Spend all your cash you can on snap on and matco tools while you have the discount. With the discount it's roughly the same as Craftsman. Nothing wrong with craftsman, but I know which I would rather have. And don't be the idiot thats spends all his cash on a box and has none left for tools...
  16. then hangs up says, im joking i love being hit...
  17. And I fully believe Guiliani will be as committed to fighting Israel's war as Bush currently is. I have no idea who I will vote for. Considering how much foreign financial controlling interest there is in our Government I'm not sure how much it really matters at this point. I would definitely not vote for Rudy Guliani or John Edwards.
  18. I think if we all knew every detail about The Patriot Act and presidential directive 51 we would all be shitting our pants... Whether it is the fault of Bush or Congress is irrelevant. Our country is going to shit. Ever heard of the North American Union or the Amero? Oh and what the hell is up with open borders? Alberto Gonzales is quoted on CNN as saying the U.S. Constitution is quaint and outdated. He was a Bush aid before being nominated by Bush to be the attorney general. http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/11/19/leavitt.gonzales/ Both Gonzales and the entire Bush camp are making a huge push for centralized and expanded executive power and possible martial law, as evidenced by ppd 51. Oh and Congress did not review ppd 51 in its entirety before it was passed. How weird is that?
  19. got a 50-150 with a zx636, he walked around me about 140.
  20. Same as playing poker. It's just more fun when a couple bucks are involved.
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