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Everything posted by sol740

  1. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM !!! THE HELL IT FUCKING DOES !!!! I also agree with some of your ideas.
  2. Good God Man ! It's ok though, it takes a real man to admit to his mistakes. Especially when those mistakes were as eyeball-raping as the above. Here's one of my mistakes (ignore the g35). http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/G35/G4.jpg Are you wondering why the above was a mistake ? No turbos. OUCH, such fail.
  3. If there's one thing Christ's death, resurrection, and ascension represent ... its da hood. Absolutely nothing my friend. Absolutely nothing.
  4. Looks like a mad fun car. Congratz.
  5. X2 ... so go on date ? Get free sushi ?
  6. I don't know how much of that is bullshit, or fact. But my dad is 5'6", and I'm 6'. Tallest guy at our reunions. LMAO ! (though I am half-white, so I dunno)
  7. Happy BDAY you sexy beast. Uhhhhh ... V8 ... beast ...
  8. If you agree with Paktinat please sign my petition. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/getinvlovednowforfutureofkids/
  10. You guys are morons ... the slits on the rear bumper are ported to direct airflow, through a series of complex piping, back into the engine bay and directly on top of the Vtec Capacitor.
  11. I saw that cars bizarro purple doppelganger on Broad today. It was epic.
  12. As awesome as that is, (many times more awesome than myself) I still give TechnoViking the edge.
  13. Capacitive multi-touch screens offer a much more elegant solution to UI, when mating the UI to a complex OS. Gesture and Touch will likely only be displaced by brain-wave interpreters. At last ... no smudges.
  14. Sweet. I'm putting on my Powerglove in preparation, I will not remove it until this idea happens.
  15. Now you're playing with power ! That could be your slogan.
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