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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I literally was just on a beach in the Bahamas two weeks ago. I did not need a passport. Just birth cert and ID. Though the cruise I was on left from Florida, I'm not sure if that makes a difference how you are departing. This, ask and ye shall receive.
  2. LOL, no. I had some interesting sales attempts but not food.
  3. sol740

    Ello CR

    You should put similar effort into your mods. Is that an official callout for Fubar or what ? LMAO though, the more shit this noob spits the more I like him though.
  4. I just got back from Nassau, I only needed my birth cert/ID.
  5. sol740

    Ello CR

    His sticktoitiveness has been most amusing. I'd say let him in if he could come down this spring and take a single race to any of the people he's been talking shit to. Track or Strip. Though to be fair, it ain't going down the strip fast enough.
  6. Ya, I started following this now, pretty fucking cool. In a severely nerdy sort of way. I was all about some I LOVE BEES back in the day, so I am unfortunately receptive to this type of shit.
  7. Why did you even bother posting pics of that. Jeeeeeeez. Alright ... I kid I kid ... welcome.
  8. x2, or cause he's gonna have to pay them to repair it.
  9. Is this an ARG, cause if it is I'm not even gonna click.
  10. I didn't have any issues either. Woot.
  11. Has nothing to do with AA batteries, I don't use AA batteries in my 360 controller. You don't have to use AA's ... but you can in a pinch. Which with the link below you will never need to. Yes that is a million times better than the non user-swappable battery in the PS3 controller. Though they do keep a nice long charge. http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Quick-Charge-Kit/dp/B000EYF88G/ref=dp_cp_ob_vg_title_1 This is pure subjectivity but I do prefer the stick placement of the 360 by far. Again the PS3 controller does seem to stay charged quite a while compared to a 360 controller, but with the above charge station its never really an issue cause it takes 2 seconds to swap battery packs, which is way nicer for my setup than using a long USB cord. Ofcourse I could get the PS3 controller charger station, but I'd need to buy another controller first.
  12. Love the frame job. Looks great.
  13. sol740

    Ello CR

    That's not so much a story as it is a random group of phrases we have no reference(or care) to connect. Let me try ... A bag of soccer balls, a handlebar mustache, two pints of regurgitated horse semen.
  14. sol740

    Ello CR

    This motherfuckers callin' folks out in his Oven thread. I have to admit, I miss seeing that. That's right noob ... don't take shit from any of these assholes, and then when you march your car out in springtime, kick some ass and take some names. You may need to purchase another car though.
  15. I agree completely, but that's still fucking hilarious. I've had the RROD twice so it caught my bone. The funny one, that is.
  16. ^ I got a better one ... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/RedRing.jpg
  17. Yup, those people are losers. Each system has its ups and downs and there's almost zero reasons to blindly support one over the other. The 360 charger kit comes with a rechargeable battery, and is cheap and replaceable. It also has two slots so you can always have a battery charged and ready, swap in and out and no cords. Its fucking sweet and I wish my PS3 controller had a similar setup. If you look at my theater pics in the Parking Lot, you'll notice how far away the components are from the chairs. Total PITA to have a USB cable that barely stays snug draped across the room. The Wifi dongle was $50 bucks, so ya that sucks ass but it kept initial costs down, and you still had the option of wired (or using your own wifi adapter). Still kind of sucks though, seeing as how the wii has built-in wifi.
  18. My 360 connects to wifi just fine, also recharges the controllers just fine, though more importantly, the batteries are user-replaceable. Though what any of this has to do with some buggy code on the PS3, I don't know. I'm just not going to play any games on it till it gets patched(hopefully soon). Blu-ray is super nice though. There's not even a real comparison service wise, Live is far-superior and it should be, because you pay for it. The console fanboyism on this site is amazing. On both sides.
  19. sol740

    Ello CR

    So you openly ripped Mike, which was at least mildly funny the first time you told the hatchback joke. Not so funny on the 3 or 4 repeats. At least you stuck up for yourself, without being the rage guy. So that's good. On the other hand your car makes me want to repeatedly punch kindergartners in the stomach, while my other hand holds a picture of your car, so they instinctively learn to fear such mods. I suppose that kind of balances out, I'll still withhold my rep. You'll know it was me that rep'd you cause it'll have a "-sol740" attached to the end. Don't anybody else add that to their rep or he'll never know if it was me.
  20. I haven't turned on my PS3 for about a week, so I may hold off on that for awhile minus movies.
  21. sol740


    I missed the failboat, and saw only the updated post, so it seems pretty good to me. Welcome, thanks for not whining when people told you to correct your post.
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