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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I probably should have clarified when I said 'budget' I meant relative to other dedicated media-rooms I have seen online, or in magazines. Sometimes the high-end A/V stuff is so outrageous you think 5k is budgeting. I also mean the entire room, not just the A/V equipment but the furniture, wiring, and pretty much everything else.
  2. I started a slow clap in my office ... it didn't catch on. Great setup though !
  3. sol740


    Damn man, that really sucks. I hope you find it. I'll just leave it at that.
  4. I purchased some small rectangular lights for the platform, two per side.
  5. I was thinking of using 2 or 3 of these. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/sconce.jpg
  6. Now we can have a conspiracy theory. Chevy paid him (well over and above the value of the car) to publicly trade in a Veyron for the ZR1. Chevy also KNEW ABOUT 9/11 ... and did nothing.
  7. sol740


    Hopefully more Adrenaline/AroundtheFur, than everything else.
  8. The HT project is starting to come together. For a long time it was put on hold, too busy making babies and then trying to be a mildy responsible father-ish figure. Finally got to put some effort into the project by getting new furniture, and cleaning up the room, save for the mess of movies in the corner. Total spent so far, under 4K, project will be completed for around 5k. Not too shabby for 96"+decent projector, decent furniture, and reusing other components including a sound system my brother set me up with for so little I don't even want to say. What's left. Back row 9inch riser is being built and carpeted by a friend of mine in a couple weeks. Then properly set screen to best viewing height. Walls & ceiling need to be painted (either maroon-ish or mocha-ish, with black matte ceiling). Properly mount surround speakers. Still kicking around idea of Wall Sconces & actual theater carpet. Here's how she sits now. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_2140.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_2160.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_2168.jpg
  9. sol740

    Any teachers?

    I would suggest first showing interest in your local neighborhood kids. Start small by having "Education Camps" where all the young kids can sleepover at your house, and you can teach them privately (macaroni sculptures, soap sculptures, macaroni soap sculptures, advanced Egyptian hieroglyphs ect). I believe a wildebeest once said "raaahahhhhh mahhhhh roooooooooooooo", to which Hilary Clinton replied ... "It takes a village".
  10. sol740


    Just someone kill it please.
  11. The first rule of Google-Facer-Buzzer-Twit is THAT YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT Google-Facer-Buzzer-Twit ! Oh and Google Voice FTMFW !
  12. sol740

    Windows 7

    Fresh install was clean as could be. Running better, and with a smaller footprint than Vista. I will be switching my XP desktop to 7 eventually. It is a really good OS, and I have had 0 compatibility issues with XP software. Ubuntu FTW though.
  13. I believe my wife would be interested in the Corgi. I will run it by her tonight and see if she wants to add another member to the family. . Of course we'd want to meet him too. Do you have any pics ?
  14. How old is the Corgi ? Friendly with little ones ?
  15. Even the police hate the police.
  16. Same as most here, hope all is well.
  17. I'll take the cinco vegas classics.
  18. I believe Kevin and I had a mini-photoshop war in my intro. Good times.
  19. The best I could do. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/DSC00662-2.jpg
  20. Awesome post. Nice to know that people existed before I was born.
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