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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Damn haven't seen Bad Boy since house connection. For the most part I agree, being a part time junglist, there's still plenty of good trance, and even house.
  2. sol740

    Mass Effect 2

    I loved the first one, the story was a pretty nifty space opera, with a cool twist. Looking forward to playing this one.
  3. Been in a couple full on fistfights, and a couple pointless tussles (only one time as direct result of my own actions and not my stupid friends). Also was robbed in a parking lot and took a beating but I don't count that. I really don't care to be in another fistfight, that shit gives me a fucking headache. Never been knocked out cold, but I got hit hard enough that my lights went out for a split second. Not fun at all. Never "lost" a fair fight either per se, but when you have to resort to violence there really aren't any winners.
  4. The only way I could think of is to set a pretty long exposure time, and walk into the frame, sit in the spot you want yourself to appear for several seconds and then quickly walk out. Though I'm sure it would look better just shooped.
  5. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_2679.jpg
  6. YOU SHOULD ALL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE !!! http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/300px-718smileysvg.png COLUMBUS RACING SHOULD BE BETTER !!!http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/300px-718smileysvg.png
  7. sol740


    The chin pubes eh ?
  8. sol740


    While in essence I am in agreement with Hal. His going to school now, may keep him and his kids off of welfare/assistance later/in the long run. I would never allow myself or my family to take public assistance unless an emergency situation came about, but everyone's different. At least he is trying to better his situation to get off of *whatever* as opposed to simply trying to milk a broken system for life. Good point.
  9. As long as the place we go to is open about their deep freezing guidelines. I am happy as a clam. Well, as happy as a fat slice of tuna.
  10. Welcome, dig the busa. I have several complete sets of pokeymans, so I may just have you beat on toys. He's not your pal, bro.
  11. It is described as above. What part of that made you think it was going to be exciting ? Unless you have an appreciation for insanely detailed CG. Which I do, so I suppose it is exciting to me. So I am wrong. It is the most exciting thing I've ever seen ... minus all videos that include attractive naked women, or exploding cars, or exploding cars with naked women inside and when they blow up naked women go flying all over the place.
  12. I gotta disagree here, I don't think I've seen someone be as fucked with as young chin pubes and he seems to take it in strides.
  13. I wanted a blue evo . Good luck with the sale !
  14. sol740


    Likewise and I see your point. LOL
  15. sol740

    Are you.....

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! Everytime Paul gets banned from something an angel gets their wings. Bravo !
  16. sol740


    I have to disagree about the 'scumbag' moniker, it's definitely a shitty thing to do to your partner in life, though I can somewhat understand. In a situation like that your partner is probably tired, not as sexually attractive, and with the right temptation I could see the frustration overcoming someone. Before someone jumps all over my shit, I am not condoning anything he did, nor am I saying that it's excusable cause it's not. It is simply of my opinion that given his situation, plus the fact we don't know all of the gritty details (how has their relationship been over the last 3 or so years, was it for politics, ect), I can't call the man a 'scumbag'. Definite negative points on the respect scale for sure though.
  17. I'm not 100% sure of the number but I believe last I heard there were some 40 million people without healthcare, I'm sure they would like to see something pass. Though I agree about sloppiness part, its sad this issue has become such a clusterfuck.
  18. Welcome. On a side note, here's my evo ... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Mitsubishi_Lancer_Evolution_8_by_Ac.jpg
  19. I say all races should start their own race leagues, and then since they're all on a team together, we could assign everyone seperate water fountains. Peace and harmony would be right around the corner.
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