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Everything posted by sol740

  1. You heard correct, every single one of them.
  2. sol740


    Light years better than not winning the rose bowl. O-H !!!
  3. That's fantastic. Someone should thank those folks.
  4. I'm guessing you didn't watch "my" vid.
  5. Can't we all just get along. I mean, everyone makes mistakes. On a wholly unrelated note here is a vid of my evolution.
  6. I don't like any of those locations, or events. HMMPH ! I'm not going !
  7. The pet store on east broad by the target has an indoor wash too.
  8. I would be in total agreement with you if the first post in this thread had simply stated: More or less like that, and I doubt anyone would have used the word "integrity". The point, unless I am mistaken, was that a verbal agreement was made along the lines of: Or more or less like that. Maybe not quite like that. Anyways, either way it's not that big of deal, I would feel slighted as the buyer, though I would not be surprised at a stranger taking the money.
  9. Everyone else is too busy sighing from relief to care.
  10. Letting one rip on the first or third date probably isn't a great idea, but there isn't a human being on this planet that should actually take offense to someone farting. Timing is more the issue. Events such as funerals, weddings and so on.
  11. I only posteroejac for women. Jeeeeeez.
  12. To avoid the issue altogether, do not 'agree' to anything other than a sale with cash in hand. Buyer: "Can I pick this up on Saturday, I don't get paid until Friday". Seller: "Absolutely, if the item is still available on Saturday, and you show up with cash in hand it is yours." The buyer knows where you stand, and you still, in a way, agree to sell to them should your terms be met.
  13. I fail to see how this can relate to wieners and their prospective likability.
  14. I believe the point he is trying to get across is that because a lot of illegals are paid under the table, there isn't a sufficient way to try to tax them. Which is true, but that is a byproduct of the larger issue, the employer trying to save himself a few profit points by hiring, and paying them in the first place. Blame is being squarely placed at the wrong feet here. Most of these people just want to work, they have no roots in this country, no reason to care whether or not Joe 12-pack (do not say the other name) is upset about him working illegally, because he is just going to go back to Mexico and live it up for half the year laughing all the way to the bank. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for reform up and down regarding immigration, particularly regarding access to welfare, or healthcare. However being a product of immigration (first generation Chinese) I have a personal understanding of how the US was looked upon as a beacon of hope for the world, a place where your dreams can come true. To most immigrants that dream is simply being able to provide for their families, in relative safety. Its hard to fault people for wanting to do that, if the roles were reversed you would very likely do the same. The issue isn't punishing people for wanting to work though, its about patching the holes that allow them to do so without paying back into the system.
  15. I just bought a year of Live for 29.95 !!! Woohoo ! Just got to look for the right deal. Live is far superior to PSN when it comes to setting up games, messaging, partying, and since voice chat is standard easier to communicate. (for better or worse). PSN would have to standardize those features to make me consider paying for that too. I have a couple games I'd part with. Assassins Creed 2: $30.00 Dragon Age Origins: $30.00 Crackdown or Forza 2 $10.00 PGR3 free with any 2 above purchases.
  16. I was making circle angels earlier today. LOL.
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