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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Cop was a dick, should be relieved of pay for awhile. Race ? Jesus ... can't people just be dicks cause they're dicks and not because they're racist ?
  2. I really wish the camera would stop blinking to the music. That shits annoying. Other than that, good vid.
  3. I've successfully seceded (uhoh), I have a flagpole in my backyard that says "Fort Sol" right on the flag, several of my neighbors have died trying to retrieve frisbees and other such contraband from within my borders.
  4. Its like a fucking cult.
  5. I'm definitely for more state rights, not total state rights though.
  6. I think part of the argument is that the federal government shouldn't be involved at all anyway.
  7. I've read about similar research. Very interesting. Though most of the stuff I read into was regarding organ growth, and replacement.
  8. I don't know if "pot" would top the list of my economic plan either.
  9. True ... some things, you just can't take back.
  10. Definitely skylinish in that pic. Whatever, I won't knock it, I hope you get it fixed up proper and get that thing out to a meet. Noobs don't post in noob threads ... even senior member noob threads ...
  11. LMAO !!! ... don't ban me. On 2nd thought I should be an Oven mod, and ban all nubs.
  12. There is a strange stirring in my pants area.
  13. I raped a cow once, than I dismembered it to hide the evidence. Funny story really, far too long to retell here. Somewhere in Colorado though, where the cattle put up the most fight.
  14. I'll teach you to view my profile ... look ... HAHAHA ... I'm thumbing through your profile like a tattered 80's porno-mag.
  15. True, in a straight line, but his doesn't really have one of those, its an 08. Welcome noobs, personally I think your fox looks awful, but if it goes fast I can't hate too much, and it sounds like your mid-build up so ...
  16. You're not even in the same quadrant, system, galaxy as Hal. He's our rosetta stone to the great mystery that is hate. A tuning fork for the uninitiated masses. Like the old Chinese guy said about Gremlins ... "You are not ready". On a side note, is the "Noobz don't welcomez the Noobz" actually in the "rules", I can't remember, and I'm too lazy to look, I will invoke the greater hive-knowledge of teh mods.
  17. Welcome ... senior member guy ...
  18. Q: Look at your feet. Are you rolling ? If you answered yes, answer the next question, if your answer was no, skip all other questions and go to end. Q: Are you wearing shoes ? If you answered yes, answer the next question, if your answer was no, skip all other questions and go to end Q: Do you see a skateboard under your feet ? Move to Answer Section. A: If you answered yes to all of the above questions, congratulations, you skateboard ! Your penis becomes partially, or even fully erect around attractive women, and likely, will meet their inside skin soon. A:If you answered answered no to any of the questions, you may be just walking, or worse ... on a pair of rollerblades. I'm sorry to tell your parents that you are officially gay, I'm telling your parents because face it ... deep down you already knew. EDIT: damn it someone did a similar joke.
  19. Or getting anally assaulted with rusty cheese grater. I suppose its not really like that at all.
  20. sol740


    No drop ? Psssh ... I could get the same effect eating in the space needle.
  21. well it is now ... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/gang.jpg
  22. sol740


    Awwww its too I use Linux so much.
  23. Psssssh ... I'll beat you at Forza.
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