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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740


    Thank god its spring ...
  2. sol740


    ouch ... lol ...
  3. LOL. I couldn't find a giant jpg of an "evolution" badge.
  4. sol740


    Rob you're a stupid fucking piece of shit buddy !!! Could you do my cams now ?
  5. Can I join with an FC EVO ... as in FUCKING COOL ... ... ya ... I can't believe I said that either.
  6. sol740


    The Fail Wheel Drive is questionable.
  7. sol740


    I grew up in the Westerville area too, so there's probably +rep from me if you can clean up your sentences a little (3rd or 4th grade level), and try not to lie too much about your rides at the meets. LOL.
  8. sol740


    Dead huh ? Your grammar is starting to kill me, that's for sure.
  9. The stairway, the penholder, and the knifeholder = win.
  10. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Curious.jpg
  11. sol740

    Shay Laren

    Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't.
  12. Looks great, pic kind of sucks though.
  13. sol740

    Saturday Night

    Sick as fuck ... can't go.
  14. I will likely buy the pioneer on monday if you still have it.
  15. Ya, you pretty much gave me all the reason I need to not see this. If you're calling out intellects you could at least spell "Knight" correctly.
  16. sol740


    You're not !?!? You told me I was the only one !
  17. Due to a recent thread I have discovered that some of the very people among us, are a bunch of knob-gobbling, douchebags, roaming the earth trying to find more cocks to stuff into their mouths. Due to their neverending search for more penii, they may go slow in the far left lane. Otherwise known as "The Passing Lane", to people without cocks stuffed precariously into all orifices, at all times. While most of us drive with at least a small shred of decency while on the road, and will yield to other drivers that choose to drive faster than us, there seem to be a large group of people, made up of mostly men with very small penii, and or with many cocks inserted into them. Scientists aren't sure what irritates the "non-yielder" or "knob-gobbling faggots" more, the miniscule size of their packages, or the discomfort of being so thoroughly packed with cocks of all shape and size. Despite this possible discomfort, "non-yielders" seem to have a near insatiable appetite for both cocks, and man-juices of near limitless quantities. When interviewed face-to-face to try and gaze into this dark, and disturbing world, the interviewee often devolves the conversation within a matter of moments, leaving little room for a proper analysis. For example ... Interviewer: "Sir, we saw you back there basically blocking the flow of traffic, as others gathered behind you in awe of your stupidity. What were you thinking ?" Knob-Gobbler: "Ya, so what ? The speed limit says 65, so why do I have to move, just go around me ? Thats what I'm thinking ... Psssssh ... the nerve, asking ME to move ... ME !" I: "Sir, you do realize that blocking the flow of traffic, and forcing others to pass you on the right is dangerous to every other motorist on the freeway around you ?" K-G: "SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH AND STUFF MY ASSHOLE WITH YOUR COCK AND BALLS !!!" Discuss amongst yourselves.
  18. sol740


    You could've just read the descriptions. Take some responsibility for yourself.
  19. sol740


    LMAO ... why ... would you like a race ... ... for pinks ... for the respect ... and for half a gallon of moo juice ?
  20. sol740

    Shay Laren

    Potentially millions I suppose, all screaming to their doom.
  21. sol740

    Shay Laren

    I give her 3 faps and one skeet.
  22. Bahaahahaha ... you got a ticket cause you were black on a friday night.
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