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Everything posted by sol740

  1. The answer is no. There are no quick bikes in columbus. Not one. Don't you forget it.
  2. If I were at my office and I made similar statements and someone was offended (which they would be) I could definitely be canned. The same way if I go into work tomorrow and grab my bosses, hot as hell, secretary's ass I'll get fired too (SORRY SORRY I meant personal assistant). However, Imus is a radio personality, his job is to give his opinions. Not help to grease the corporate machine, or be an opiate to the masses. Just keep a humble demographic for the show he sells. If people don't agree, then don't listen. He was a mild shock jock, and has said stupid shit in his past that was along the same lines. I think its hilarious that people are demanding apologies for this mans opinion. Thats one thing I never want to lose, the right to think and believe what I choose to, when I choose to. Even if it means defending an asshole like Imus.
  3. Can't have a metal thread without good ol' Emperor ...
  4. sol740

    Weight Lifters

    I lift 3 times a week, and have for several years. I love working out but I have to admit I'm lazier than hell and I gotta force myself to do it EVERY time.
  5. Being a minority myself I must say that what someone says on their radio show is their business. If I don't like their point of view I won't listen. Whats worse is trying to silence someone just cause you disagree with them. Al Sharpton, while he has done many positive things, is also a creature of opportunity (though aren't all in his political position). Any chance to make some noise and get his name out, and hes on it. That said I understand that the station owners are the ones that have to put up with the backlash, so he may be out of a job, which is unfortunate. Not because I liked him, because I don't. I think hes an arrogant asshole. The reason behind his firing is unfortunate.
  6. I agree with you that they are for the most part, undefinable.
  7. Very nice. Hope he does well. Even if I hate nascar.
  8. sol740

    Photoshop Help

    Magic wand is okay for selecting shadowed and non-shadowed areas separately as well. Particularly if you're trying to do a pseudo-vector piece. Polygonal lasso and pen-tool are your best friends though.
  9. I would hardly say Tool is metal. And I've been a fan of Tool since Opiate and have seen them live 6 times. More hard rock then metal. Meshuggah however, are fan-fucking-tastic.
  10. Children of Bodom FTMFW ! Lets not exclude Dimu while were at it ... Yes U.S. metal sucks now. Too much Emo-Screamo garbage.
  11. sol740


    Well I would hope you "really" liked it, if you rank it as one of the best movies of all time. How you could, I cannot fathom. Though thats subjective and to each their own. I really liked the film, and its mildly historically acurate to the actual Battle of Thermopylae (some timeline and event structures only, OFCOURSE I understand that the real "Immortals" weren't ratlike monsters) It was cool that some lines of dialogue were things actually spoken during the now famous battle i.e, " ... our arrows will blot out the sun " "The we will fight in the shade." or when Xerxes army asks them to lay down their weapons. "Come and get them." Good stuff. However my major issue is that some of the scenes were overly stylized and it didn't really need it. For instance in the beginning when Xerxes doomed messengers ride over the horizon. That single sequence lasted 60 seconds too long. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Random/Sparta.jpg
  12. There I thought I was the only one who said that ...
  13. That would make perfect sense if this entire post wasn't a joke. Or if I had actually tried to "welcome" anyone (which I didn't). Though yah, I'm a n00b supreme no doubt. Though isn't your post "bitching" about me "bitching" ironic in the same way. (which is to say not ironic at all)
  14. Yah, I tend to do that. Though for a forum where I'm constantly hearing things like "we give each other a lot of shit" or "people will fuck with you, don't take it personally" some of you guys kind of take it "personally".
  15. Aren't you a little old to be typing things like "FNG" or "STFU". Didn't you take your mid-day nap, or are ya feeling cranky ?
  16. I love the dollar-bill/lip shot. Priceless.
  17. sol740


    LOL ... I had to do one for you ... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/50-1.jpg
  18. sol740


    I agree ... spears ... you just don't drift in a Z. Its not right. It wants to grip, not be a 240sx.
  19. sol740


    Beautiful ... I love the intricate shading work you did. Does this qualify as vector art ? Cause if it doesn't I will photoshop no more ... New sig FTW !
  20. sol740


    Damn it ... now I'm gonna want to kill myself all day long. Or I can get a coat hanger, straighten it out, ram it up my nose and try to manually delete the memory I have of that song and I should be okay.
  21. sol740


    LMAO ... For those who didn't see my O.G. sig hes talking about this. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Sig.jpg
  22. sol740


    I didn't take any of it seriously, but thanks for the heads up. I assumed it was for a reason like that, I don't mind, I'll just make a sig that fits those parameters. See ... told you I didn't search hard enough. Though, the title to my thread isssss "N00Bish".
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