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Everything posted by Evo_Nick

  1. I'm getting a street tune this weekend hopefully so we'll see. how she runs
  2. haha yea i know keith, didn't know he was pissed...
  3. what's going on man??
  4. haha i didn't know that many people were on here from Groveport. I'm right by the high school off of old hamilton. what about everyone else??
  5. right now i just have exhaust clutch fuel rail uicp bov flash
  6. Hey guys as you can tell i'm Nick and i drive a 05 Evo VIII. Hope to see you guys around. http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/1790/l8cab7109c84d6966d015bczz1.jpg http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/6489/lb3f33bc1d61f7271a26fe8ks5.jpg
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