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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Heres some of the videos I have found floating around from The World Cup Finals over the weekend. Feel free to add more videos of this event if you have them. I will post more as they come along "Drummond race cars built irs viper goes 6.96 215mph and its a street driven car!"- According to their post lol Speed Factory (Washington State) EG Civic goes 8.08@190mph http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMMDkWpVIVs&feature=player_embedded TPR (Cincy) EK Civic goes 8.79@171 Mark Carlye (IPS) Vette goes 6.9
  2. McCarron is a game manager, to me he is Craig Krenzel. I dont know what ESPN would do without an SEC player in the Heisman race honestly.
  3. Good deal, its looking like good weather right now for this. Showing 63* as the high and 10% rain. No OSU game this weekend either
  4. Clowney is a freak haha. I thought coming out of highschool he might just be all hype, however he is backing it up at the next level. Lets look at ESPN's current Heisman contendors watch list 1. Colin Klein QB of undefeated Kansas St 2. Manti Te'o LB of undefeated Notre Dame t3. Kenjon Barner RB of undefeated Oregon t3. A.J McCarron QB of undefeated Alabama...really? 5. Braxton Miller QB of undefeated Ohio State So essentially if your team is undefeated currently your in the Heisman race lol.
  5. I feel bad for Geno, his teams defense is terrible and its killing his chances. Thats why I hate the Heisman trophey as I have said over and over again. You lose 1 game and your Heisman hopeful is essentially done unless he puts up ungodly numbers. Better question is how is Manti Tae'o a Heisman hopeful? His stats aren't even as good as Shaziers lol.
  6. This guy actually tugged on my sweatshirt haha. Sometimes I do feel bad standing up at games, the person behind me usually has a hard time watching since I am so damn tall haha.
  7. To Illinois.. And yes the defense gave up 14, damn fumble return lol. BTW that 2 point conversion was funny as hell. They line up for a fake 2 point, audible into a regular PAT, screw up the snap/hold and run it in for 2. The same defense gave up a shit ton to Indiana, you just gonna over look that? They are still making the same bone headed mistakes such as personal fouls that aren't needed and the tackling still isn't where it should be. It has improved since week 1 I will say that. I just simply do not think OSU's defense would be able to handle this years Alabama, Oregon or Kansas St squads. I think they would match up well against Notre Dame.
  8. The offense wouldn't be my concern against an elite team, the defense would. Yeah they looked good against Illnois yet gave still gave up 22 points and continued to commit stupid mistakes, mainly Christian Bryant and his personal fouls. They are still trying to strip the ball rather than make the sure tackle on special teams, saw Bradley Roby doing this yesterday.
  9. We are looking for a new tv to put in our son's room. We don't need anything bigger than a 27" unless its a great deal. What ya got
  10. This happened today at the World Cup Finals. Both cars broke, one at the start line on his launch, the other around the 1000ft mark. The Integra that broke on launch had its driver Chris Miller, get out and start pushing the car down the track in hopes of crossing the line before his opponent could. Once Allan Jimenez realized what was going on he started pushing his car as well, crossing the line first. W Allan Jimenez .374 39.090 flintstone power L Chris Miller .541 "Jimenez did not finish Miller breaks on the starting line but now is pushing his car down the track to see if he can win the race Miller is pushing it himself . Jimenez just realized it and gets out of the car and pushes the car over the finish line for the win in 18 years of announcing I have never seen this." http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/643909_10151271871980020_874856142_n.jpg
  11. Unless you're Boise St BTW had a pretty good time at the OSU game yesterday. Alumni section sucks ass to sit in, yes its nice having cushioned seats, however being told to sit down when OSU scored was quite new to me. I guess thats what happens when you sit with old guys haha. OSU up to 5th in the AP for those that are keeping track
  12. Haha yeah, I really have no idea why he likes either team to be honest
  13. Nope he is from here in Newark but still lives up near campus in Cbus. I actually park at his house and just walk over to the shoe to avoid traffic and having to pay haha
  14. My buddy just sent me this video and I lost it. Figured i'd share it here lol NWS due to language!!
  15. Let me help ya out... You can use an alumni or student ticket as long as you have a valid OSU id. Now this id does not have to be yours, for instance we took 2 of our buddies to the Nebraska game a few weeks ago. My buddies that night got the pleasure of being Brittany and Tiffany as we borrowed other friends id's haha. I am goin to the game this weekend with my other buddy who gets to be my wife for the day. They dont care who is on the id, half the time they dont even check them to be quite honest. I have gone to 20 games in the last 4 years alone and have only had to show my id at 2 of them, this years Nebraska game and last years Wisconsin game. Hell my buddy Nate was my sister in law for the Nebraska game haha.
  16. I have friends who like multiple schools hardcore, I never understood that. Yes I like Boise but I don't own anything Boise St. My one buddy loves Ohio State (graduated there even-for Juicy lol), yet he roots hardcore for Oklahoma and Florida State, strikes me as odd
  17. I believe the word you were looking for there was "IS" However I didn't see the middle part of your post, I still think thats dumb logic. People are fans of teams for various reasons, for instance I am a Cubs fan simply because I can remember watching them at about age 3 with my Grandpa and hearing Harry's voice broadcasting. He along with the ivy wall drew me in to becoming a fan, unfortunately haha
  18. That is the dumbest logic I have ever seen as well. You feel people should only be devout fans if they went to school there? Lmfao I honestly have nothing more to say to that outside of laughing my ass off.
  19. OSU just added Boston College to the 2020-2021 schedules
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