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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. We'd love to have ya guys out. So far we have almost 200 people rsvp'd to come out. I would love to see that may people plus more!
  2. No I get it, I am a fan of the GTR. I was being a smartass in reference to an argument that OP was involved with in another thread.
  3. 2010 our special teams let OSU down early in that game, by allowing the opening kickoff to be taken back 97 yards. We still have specal teams issues, mainly kick return coverage. Not saying its going to happen again but definitley something to keep an eye on. I would agree with the stacking the box idea, if you can stop Monte Ball you can stop Wisconsin.
  4. Steve Wilson and Chris Wright at Pro Car in Akron did the tuning this year on my car. I do need to turn the wick up, however since I blew the damn thing up its gonna be a minute before that happens haha. 4k to go 10s, who needs to spend 80k on a GTR?
  5. Umm 17psi and pump gas 11.2 vs 30psi and 10.8....again, I don' feel that bad. BTW I have a stock trans as well minus the LSD. You're gonna have to try harder if you wanna troll me. Like I said, I hate this car yet secretly like it. Nice work JP. If you had to guesstimate how much do you have wrapped up in this thing?
  6. No they aren't switching to these full time next year. Its nothing more than a 1 game deal just like the other ones recently. However I have heard rumors of more gray being added on the sleeves and bigger numbers like the picture I posted of Eddie George.
  7. http://images.footballfanatics.com/FFImage/thumb.aspx?i=/productimages/_1060000/altimages/FF_1060672ALT4_xl.jpg&w=400
  8. I read a report today where WR Evan Spencer told someone that chrome helmets would most likely be a reality for the Michigan game... They do look like the old style uniforms, I love the big ass numbers
  9. Shit happens, just think you have to wake up every morning being you...I don't feel so bad
  10. WTF lol, I now officially hate this car, yet secretly like it at the same time.
  11. My thoughts too..some of my favorite post over there: "Im not impressed watching him today. No doubt he's good. But is he "Braxton good"? Nope" "Manziel is just a product of that system nothing more. He gets killed when he faces real competition." "Braxton completed a pass that Johnny wouldnt even dare to throw." "He played a good game. But did he look as dynamic as Miller did today? No. He has a better oline and playmakers. Give Braxton that Oline and playmakers and its not even close." I dont really care about the AP poll, who really likes to claim the AP title anyways, unless you're a Michigan fan :lolguy:
  12. People on scout are saying Braxton is leap years better than this kid, I would have to politely disagree with them. This kid can actually throw the ball and beat arguablly the best defense in the country. OSU homers drive me nuts, I am one of them to an extent but good god some people think this kid shits golden turds.
  13. Kinda makes you realize that maybe America isn't such a bad place afterall to live in...
  14. NOOO....we don't want Alabama backing their way into the NCG again this year. I dont look for them to fall too damn far.
  15. Thank you to all that came out today. We collected $200 and 8 toys from your donations!
  16. And Alabama is about to take the lead. I just witnessed a hold and a block in the back by Alabama and no call lol Interception!!!! Bye bye SEC and NCG!! Come on Kansas ST, Oregon, Notre Dame, 2 of you bastards need to win out!!
  17. Alabama is gonna lose...hopefully!! They are down by 2 scores midway through the 4th quarter. BTW why isn't Texas A&M's qb in the Heisman discussion? His stats are better than just about every one else in the running honestly. Before todays game his stats were: 2527 yards, 66.6 % 16td's 6int's 922 yards running 67ypc 15td's Today he is 24/30 253 yards 2TDs 16 carries 92 yards
  18. Good deal! Looking forward to seeing/meeting everyone tomorrow. I will be the big goofy guy of the bunch lol
  19. For those that don't have a facebook here is some tidbits: "We will be serve Hot dogs chips, and soda each plate will be sold at $4 or you can bring a unopened toy instead of money. I am proud to say that every penny TBO makes from our cook out will be donated to Cruse For Tots." "There will be a raffle for 75 dollar gift card to Best Buy, 1 ticket for 10 buck 2 for 15 " Bring chairs, not sure how much seating there will be. Weather is supposed to be 66*, can't ask for much nicer weather in November There is a group of us leaving Newark at 12:30 and heading up so we will see you guys there!
  20. Better question is who are the starting linebackers next year outside of Shazier or who is the starting D-Line since 3 of them are leaving and possibly 4 with Hankins. Who starts at DB and even more so who starts at DB should Roby leave early. You very well could be replacing 9-10 starters on defense Simon Hankins Goebel Williams Sabino Boren/Klein Roby Howard Johnson
  21. NVM forgot your previous post, my bad lol. I thought you was saying Boren was a Tackle
  22. Boren isn't a tackle though, he is a center, such a good center that he basically ran a kid out of school because a true freshman passed him on the depth chart. Edit: It was Brian Bobek who transfered out after little Boren passed him on the depth chart. Bobek was the #1 center in the 2011 class, i'd say Boren is going to play center here at tOSU
  23. There was a girl who played through her Freshman year here in Newark, she held her own but just got tired of playing I guess. I actually posted this video on my facebook yesterday after I watched it, she's shitting on those kids haha
  24. So a current starter who will be a senior is going to be benched and 2 guys with little to no expierence are going to the be the starting tackles? Wasn't Decker supposed to start over Fragel this year as well lol. I think a better projection would be: LT - Jack Mewhort LG - Andrew Norwell C - Corey Linsley RG - Marcus Hall RT - Taylor Decker If it isn't broke, why fix it? I feel the line has played really well considering there is a TE starting at RT. Speaking of rumors, word is OSU is gonna go back to the Gray stripes on the sleeves permanantly starting with the Michigan game, thank god!! Bring me the big numbers from the 90s and I would be a happy man. http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g263/gottaBgunner/Eddie_George.jpg
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