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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Ryan Shazier is changing his number to 48 to honor a friend who passed away. No word on if its a 1 game deal or going to stay that way.
  2. I read OSU is missing 7 starters from the kickoff coverage unit. Idk if that is since the beginning of the year or what but thats crazy to think when you consider theres only 11 out there and 1 of them is the kicker
  3. So I found this video on streetfire today as well lol. My youtube account has been going nuts, it went from like 46 views to nearly 20k in a drop of a dime. Hell today I seriously watched it go from 14k to 19k in 20mins.
  4. Have you been hanging with the Honey Badger? 2005 Texas 2006 Texas 2008 USC 2009 USC 2010 Miami 2011 Miami 2012 Cal ^^ Most all of those games were scheduled 10 years in advance. Cal and Miami were solid when those games were scehduled. OSU has done a pretty decent job of scheduling 1 above average team from a major conference the last 7 years. Hell before that they had NC State on the schedule during the Phillip Rivers era. Future games include, Oklahoma and Va Tech...which were done before the Urban Meyer era began. Go look at some of the out of conference schedules some of the SEC boys face, talk about cupcakes. Are you a fan that thinks every team should be lik ND and face an insan schedule. Hell this year alone ND has played or will play: #10 Michigan St #18 Michiga #17 Stanford #8 Oklahoma #9 USC ^^ All of which have been at home haha
  5. Was just about to post this. Dude goes from Heisman hopeful, sure fire top 10 pick to kicked off team, pot head, arrested for drugs
  6. Bwahaha wow Lane Kiffin really is a douchebag. Did anyone else hear about this: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/did-lane-kiffin-try-deceive-colorado-having-players-161506405--ncaaf.html
  7. Jordan Hall re-injured in practice yesterday apparently and will look for a medical redshirt. Someone else posted that OSU will be 8 deep at the rb spot next year if this happens and or Hall will be moved to WR
  8. So the big33 game is no more...sort of. Pennsylvania will no longer be facing Ohio players, they will now face off against Maryland kids. WTF?! http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=145&f=3155&t=10075939 Apparently Ohio played a role in this as well as they want more of a focus on th North/South game which no one cares about. You think of all star football games here in Ohio and you think Big33
  9. I'll excuse next year since Vandy basically screwed OSU. But 2016 is a little ways down the road. OSU was trying to get BYU to come here next year but those talks fell through from what I read.
  10. So what happened with OSU not scheduling cupcakes? Next year they are goin to fill the Vanderbilt game void with San Diego St most likely. 2016 they added the power houses of Tulsa and Central Michigan to bolster that schduile lol. Didn't they just come out and say they were not going to schedule MAC level schools and only wanted top 40 calibar schools?
  11. Justin, Tebow did go nuts that game. I think he was basically putting on a show for NFL scouts that he could toss the rock and toss it well. "Tebow caps college career with 533 yards" 31/35 482 3TDs 14 carries 51 yards 1 TD
  12. But we have Urban Meyer and Braxton Miller...isn't like having God and Jesus? I kid, I kid
  13. Like I said, could've just been havin an off day. Didnt say 2 words to anyone, just sat thre looking like he didnt want to be there haha. Doss is a nice guy, we met him at a car dealership one tim while out car shopping. I ran down the street and bought a mini helmet for my kid that day lol.
  14. He is an asshole in person though, could've just been having an off day, hard to say but first impression wasn't the best. We met him at the OSU/Nebraska game and a lot of people walking by us were talkin about that, we thought it was just bullshit til we met him. Mike Doss was alright and Maurice Clarrett was the coolest one of the bunch lol
  15. None of the above mentioned outside of Craft have proven anything. I think OSU will be decent, I just dont know if they are #4 decent. The good thing about NCAA Basketball is rankings mean absolutely squat thanks to the tournament. Win 18+ games and you're pretty much assured of getting into the tourney. Thats where the magic begins
  16. He is gonna have to, who else they got thats gonna put points on the board?
  17. Not football related but has anyone else seen the preseason coaches poll for basketball? 1. Indiana 4. Ohio State 5. Michigan 14. Michigan St 21. Wisconsin 28. Cincy (Just for you Juiced lol)
  18. Haha yeah it is awesome that he likes cars at such a young age, who knows he might grow up and hate them. I know when I was a kid there was a point in time where I absolutely despised them, I think it was because my dad was always busy working on them rather then hanging out with me haha. I know there will always be dumb people, but good god. I could understand if I had him grabbing a hot turbo or something completely stupid. Oh well I am still laughing that this video ended up on a bigger site.
  19. 2014 like I said could be a very special class. I just saw this posted over on scout as well: Demetrius Knox ‏ @ meechy77 @ ThadSnod1 ok. If it is Ohio state let me know.... I guess I have to start thinking about when I'm going to commit Knox would be a BIG get and I mean that litterally, kid is 6'5 300lbs as a Jr in highschool haha. Kid has offers from Alabama, Michigan, Oklahoma, Texas and Ohio St just to name a few of the smaller ones lol. Word is he grew up a huge Buckeye fan which probablly doesnt hurt the chances. Another recruit James Quick set his announcement date for Janurary 5th One more edit* Just read that OSU leads for a RB out of Tennesee who is part of the 2013 class? His name is Cornelius Elder and dude is fast lol. "2011: Ran for over 2,000 yards on just over 200 carries and scored 22 touchdowns. He finished with five interceptions at safety." You do the math, thats a pretty good YPC lol. Here his profile on scout which has a video: http://ohiostate.scout.com/a.z?s=145&p=8&c=1&nid=5218726
  20. The negative comments keep rolling in lmfao. I seriously hate people, the best part is I didnt even upload the video on there like it states. I have been on that site a few times and those were all today hahahaaha
  21. Edit** Had a buddy login in for me and post up what I wanted to say lol
  22. I wish I could post on there, for some reason it wont post my comments
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