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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Yeah it doesn't look too good from the tv screen.
  2. I wondered how long Braxton could withstand all the shots he has taken this year. As you said Guiton time! I like the fact that we have a competent backup rather than some guy named Joe Bauserman lol
  3. Blocking kicks isn't a question for this team lol
  4. Just need the defense to hold here and keep the offense in the game. Braxton did have a couple late game heroics last year, one of which came against Purdue
  5. Hahaha pretty much. How could you be a recruit in the upcoming class and not want to go to OSU, the chances of you playing as a Freshman are really really good. That was good blocking on the part of Purdue right there
  6. You have got to be kidding me, another LB going down?
  7. About damn time they put the rock in the endzone. I think they need to feed Hyde the ball more today. LJ you ready for a shocker? That was a nice throw the previous play
  8. Shitty playcalling that had them within 7 points of every loss minus 1 lol. I do agree that this team is not very good still, yes they are 7-0 but no I would not put money on them against any other top 10 team in a bowl game right this minute.
  9. There is one of those dropped passes you have been talking about. Is that the first time Chris Fields has even been used at WR this year?
  10. Roflmao, I don't think Urban sucks. I just hate how no one will point out any of his flaws
  11. Bwahaha I love The Program, for some reason that guy reminds me of John Simon...minus the roid rage and whole attempted rape thing. LJ if it makes you feel better, I think the defense is playing better today over all then they did last week vs Indiana. The offense on the other hand not so much. They just look like they are goin through the motions and playing uninspired for some reason.
  12. Cause I can? Pretty simple reasoning there really haha. Everyone blames Fickell for last years season or for the defense this year yet no one wants to call out Urban for his special teams coverage. So I figured I might as well be the one How are they not comparable, both were huge plays and the difference in this ball game. What bout the fake punt that Purdues kicker picked up?
  13. I wish I had a radio at home, I would turn it on and mute the tv. I hate female announcers.
  14. It was gorgeous though just like the kick return that you refuse to put blame on Urbans specials teams. See how that works? I know Klein was out of position and is way too damn slow to chase that rb down, however I think its hillarious that no one will call out Urban on anything he does, yet is on a witch hunt to fire Fickell.
  15. Hahaha ok well then that 83 yard pass play was absolutely gorgeous as well, we'll call it one of those "sometimes it just happens" plays. What about the shitty offense we're seeing from OSU? Blame Fickell!!! BTW just busting your balls a little. Hopefully the A&M/LSU score stands, I would love to see LSU get knocked off
  16. Urban is in charge of special teams, Urban will not call himself out on it after the game lmfao. BTW we're at 4 bad passes from your boy Braxton in the 1st half alone Klein is terrible I will agree with that haha. Idk what the hell it is about Purdue but OSU always plays like shit against them.
  17. Offense wil be a strong point next year, defense ha I guess we shall see! I unfortunately think it can get worse. I am worried about the back 7 next year more than I am this year, especially if Roby leaves. Hankins and Roby coming back would lighten my worries a bit, I just think atleast 1 of those 2 are gone. There are people who think OSU might not even land a LB in this recruiting class. I have a hard time believing that, whats your boy Nevada have to say about this? The talk about Mike Mitchell has cooled down a ton, which sort of scares me. I think he may just end up somewhere like Oklahoma as its closer to home for him and his family. It'd be nice if Urban could get Rods little brother Jalin to flip from ND. I have even seen talk about maybe going after some JUCO's to fill the void.
  18. That seems like a great thing, but lets be real here for a second...what great passers has OSU produced? Hell the best one in recent years has been Troy Smith, before that probablly Bobby Hoying, you could toss Germaine in there but wasnt here long enough. Im too young to remember many past those guys. TP was set to break every qb record here at OSU and many feel he wasn't that great of a qb haha.
  19. I actually enjoy watching him play as I think he is an explosive player. Hell I just bought my wife and kid both #5 jerseys lol. I just hate how everyone thinks he is this great god of a qb, he isn't. He is an athlete, point blank. Is he special with the ball in his hands running? Absolutely!! Do I think he will ever put up huge passing numbers? Nope sure dont. He will most likely win a heisman before his time is done simply because as you have stated his overall yardage will be nuts due to all the rushing yards. Urban loves padding stats with his qb and I see no reason why he wont do the same for Braxton. If Braxton does what Tebow did while at Florida I will recant every bad thing I have ever said about he and Urban Meyer lol.
  20. Damn did you double and triple at the same time? Ballin! Haha I feel the same way about you 99% of the time, I just think its funny how you feel Braxton is the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ when in reality he is not a very good qb regardless of what his inflated completion percentage will show. I could have a 70% completion percentage by throwing screens and bubble screens all day long lol. He is an amazing athlete getting by on just that, here's one for you, would you say Tim Tebow is a great qb? Most likely that answer is a NO, yet he had amazing numbers in an Urban Meyer offense. Wanna bet Braxton is a 2nd or later round pick when his time comes? Doesnt mean he wasn't a great college player, just means he's not a great qb...there is a huge difference, I think you have failed to grasp this. Take away 221 yards for Pryor and 2 TDs. Braxton still needs 1300 yards in 6 games, good luck! He will have more rushing yards, not disputing that, it helps that for a while he refused to hand the ball off and was getting 20+ rushing attempts. He is on pace for over 200 rushes for gods sake. I dont really consider a guy that carries the ball 200 times to be a qb, thats running back numbers, idk maybe I am traditional or old school. If it helps calm the rage inside of you that I think you have, I would venture to agree that Braxton gets an invite to NY this year and will come into next year as a front runner for the Heisman with OSU a preseason top 3 team
  21. lmfao at having a better season then TP's jr year. Braxton better chuck up another 1500 yards in the next 5 games cause this was TP's stats 2772 yards 27 Td's 754 yards 4 TDs 1 recieving TD Braxton will have better rushing stats I will give you that and have said that he is an amazing runner. That comment really cracked me up, almost as funny as posters on scout saying Fickell can't coach linebackers, yet refuse to remember all the really good linebackers he has coached while at OSU. Short memories I guess
  22. I dont know who you think you are watching if you think he throws good balls consistantly....Same thing I said back when Matt Leinart was playing for USC, dude threw the ugliest passes yet everyone gushed about how great of qb he was. We'll have to watch the game this week and see how many bad throws he has vs how many good deep passes he has. He has thrown some terrible bubble screen passes this year, main one that comes to mind was a couple to Jordan Hall when he was healthy. The vast majority of his passes this year have been short passes, just recently they started opening it up a little more for him PS went back and edited my post, I thought they had tried him at WR but apparently he just said he was open to the idea of playing other positions.
  23. Didnt the Dolphins try White at other positions outside of qb as well? Lets disregard the fact he throws lame duck looking passes, over throws wide open recievers, under throws open recievers, throws behind recievers...in exchange I'll over look the dropped passes, that work for ya? So the perfectly thrown balls you talk about are what, 5 total on the season? Most of which are by Devin Smith, smh. I dont agree that this is the best qb play we've seen in 6 years either, TP was pretty decent while here. Hell had he not fucked up off the field he had a chance to 1. Go down as the winnigest qb in NCAA history 2. Heisman front runner 3. Win a NC
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