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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I started a savings account the day we found out my wife was pregnant. We throw all of our change into his piggy bank and every so often take it into the bank and exchange it for a savings bond once he has a $100. He is up to $700 (amazing how fast change adds up), anyways I have been wondering about different ways to make a little money go further. I have heard of the 529 (I believe thats the number) program, hoping someone can post up some more info on how exactly it works. I have talked with my wife and we've agreed that if he goes to college at 18 he'll get the money to go towards school. If he doesnt then he wont get the money until he's 25ish, simply because I don't want him getting a wad of cash an blowing through it.
  2. I got some $2 off flyers if anyone wants a few...
  3. 5 point doesn't work for me, I will be trapping more then 135mph. Thats where they get you, its good to 10.00 if your slower then 135mph. I would rather play it safe then be eliminated because I am going too fast without a roll cage ya know. Thanks for all the replies!! I will contact John and see what he has to say
  4. I did contact the NHRA directly, hence the " " that was their reply back. I will contact IPS and see what they have to say, thanks!
  5. So I am sending my car out this week to finally have a roll cage installed. I have been doing some reading/research and emailing about having the cage certified. I emailed NTR and this is the reply I got back from their guy in regards to having the cage certified: "NTR has two chassis days scheduled March 24th at Coughlin Chevrolet Newark and April 15th at the track. The fee is $150 plus you must be a member of NHRA. Please call the Raceway at 740 928 5706 for an appointment. NHRA Membership Fee: One year is $69 Two year is $128 Three years $187" Is this the only way to get a cage certified? Some people are saying to not worry about the cert and run until they kick me out, I'd rather play it safe but I dont think ill be able to make either of the dates posted above due to scheduling conflicts....any other way to do this or is this it?
  6. You could be right about the sideskirts, I just quick glanced at the car. I will give it a better look tonight. I found motors starting around $200 bucks so I think that is a much better option as well. I figured he'd have more in machine shop cost having the head fixed and praying the pistons weren't trashed as well from touching, on top of headgasket install cost and all that fun stuff. Thanks for chiming in fellas!
  7. My dads buddy picked up a 98 VW Cabrio (5 speed) for next to nothing and brought it to me for some minor repairs. Apparently the previous owner of the car snapped the timing belt, replaced the timing belt and now car wont start. I have heard conflicting stories about these being interference engines. It has the 2.0 in it, my guess is that it is in fact an interference engine and the motor is wiped out. I can roll the motor over, but can't start it because the previous owner also ripped 2 plug wires in half. Is this an interference engine? If so then what are the odds that the motor is totally trashed? I know on Hondas its hit or miss as I have personally seen 2 engines snap timing belts and run fine, however on my Integra I snapped a belt and bent valves. What year engies fit in this thing? I have ben searching on vwvortex.com and I believe 97-01? But could be wrong. The car also needs a sideskirt on the driver side along with a front lip and the front bumper lights (the ones in the very front). Any good leads to finding replacement parts such as these? Can even be a junkyard for all I care. All help is greatly appriciated!!
  8. Taco looks like Tarazan but plays like Jane, I saw him play last year. First thing that came to mind was "damn that kids jacked for being in highschool" then I said "why isn't he starting"
  9. Once again the regs were absolutely terrible, even the announcers made comments on how it took Thomas 3 times of being hacked before a call was made. I also agree that OSU didn't help matters by shitty shooting. I don't see this team going very far in the tournament. I think teams have figured it out, you double Sully and force others to beat you and you will win. There is no legitimate threat outsie of Sullinger on a nightly basis. Thomas is hit or miss and shoots every time he touches the ball, so uch that I hate when he gets passed to. Buford isn't the player he was last year, I believe I said this earlier but losing Jon Diebler is killing this team.
  10. Well last night as I mentioned previously I met Tressell, he was a super nice guy. I got him to sign my kids helmet, this makes 2 members of the NC team on it. I swear this kid better grow up and love OSU lol http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/helmet.jpg
  11. So anyone else think that Alabama's recruiting tactics are getting a bit out of hand? They sent this kid 105 letters http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1332534
  12. No!!! I do not wish to make love with a pretty woman, with an amazing body, shit tons of fame and money...gross PS your robots wont see a half naked Kim Kardashian and report it, but will report a fat lady who is showing nothing but rolls? Your robot has horrible taste, should report Kim and let the hottie pic stay
  13. Haha you're welcome!! I edited it for the cry baby nancy's
  14. Edited because the girls in this thread couldn't handle all of her love
  15. UC wouldn't have stood a chance, sorry... Yeah like 19 players got arrested for selling drugs lmfao. OSU kids trade their stuff for tattoos and its the end of the world. TCU kids sell illegal drugs and little is mentioned of it.
  16. I am interested in seeing what happens to TCU if anything, I just read 9 players failed drug test
  17. I gotha, not all of you guys are terrible, so I hold no ill regard lol. I mean hell one of my buddies is a Michigan fan, poor guy. Thats the thing I love about college football more then any other sport, it brings good conversation and arguments, even amongst fans of the same school haha
  18. I dont have a problem with the big east until Cincy fans started coming out of the woodwork because they had 1-2 good years and claimed they would beat OSU lol. Yeah 2012 is when they have 7, 2013 they are adding some schools. How the hell those schools fit into the "east" is beyond me lol. Gotta love realignment huh. Which ACC schools won BCS games, FSU? Didn't Miami win theirs while still part of the Big East?
  19. Could be because we're geographically closer to the Big East teams then the SEC schools? I think everyone plays 2nd fiddle to the SEC right now, so I doubt its an inferiority issue lol. No one calls the Big East, the Big Least when it comes to basketball, just football because well, they suck...sorry
  20. ACC has FSU, Clemson and Va Tech to boast about, none of which have done much lately to really boast about lol
  21. No, you're down to 7 lol Cincy Uconn Louisville Pitt Rutgers South Florida Syracuse Did have West Virginia...
  22. What are they down to, 7 teams in football now?
  23. OSU hasn't really had a ton of kids transfer in the last 10 years that I can think of, add a name if I forget it LB: John Kerr (from Indiana) LB: Anthony Schleigel (from Air Force) LB: Larry Grant (JuCo transfer) DB: Dionte Allen (from FSU) OL: Justin Boren (from Michigan)
  24. Ok, either way its very rare for a starter at another school to transfer unless they are in the doghouse or the school got a new coach and they don't like them.
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